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Full Version: Request for reinstatement of spraying priveleges.
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Name: : : : MOGUS : : :
SteamID: 0:0:57611027
Server: All wL servers.

My spraying privileges were rescinded after Riser took offense at my spray, which I consider to be high art, considering it's in black and white, professionally produced and contains an artistic portrayal of an intriguing aspect of the relationship between man and woman. Nevertheless, if you consider it to be shocking, I understand and will adapt accordingly. Please, reinstate my spraying privileges. They are very important to me as they allow me to express who I am and what I'm about to the world. Without them, I am nothing.
: : : MOGUS : : :, post: 86041, member: 16690 Wrote:Please, reinstate my spraying privileges. They are very important to me as they allow me to express who I am and what I'm about to the world. Without them, I am nothing.
lol you're so dramatic.