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Full Version: Requesting Unban
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Name: - Frog -
SteamID: STEAM_0:0:59681751
Server: hostname: (wL) Snipers :: WAR-LORDS.NET

I literally have no idea why I am banned. I've never even joined the server before, let alone cheat on it. Maybe it is a bug? I would appreciate it if you could fix it, as the server sounds fun.
Thanks! Smile

rwfrog, post: 86198, member: 16707 Wrote:I've never even joined the server before, let alone cheat on it.

That's not going to work on us. Next time, try not to make it so obvious as to use the same name on your other Steam ID which was banned for cheating 2 months ago.
Hm, alright. That's my other account. I've never cheated on this account before. But I understand, I cheated on my other account so you're obviously not going to trust me to be legit now. Thanks for the help! Smile By the way, I apologize for the inconvenience and the time-waste. I didn't know I cheated on the server before.