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[SIZE=12px]Name: [/SIZE][SIZE=12px]Tasty Toasty Tangy Tender Tuna!![/SIZE]
[SIZE=12px]SteamID: [/SIZE][SIZE=12px]STEAM_0:0:6140418[/SIZE]
[SIZE=12px]Server: [/SIZE][SIZE=12px](wL) 24/7 Office[/SIZE]

After being on this server for over 2, might be even 3 years I would've loved to hear something along the lines of "Fix that crap" rather than an outright ban. [SIZE=12px]Apparently I was being super glitchy and was banned for [/SIZE][SIZE=12px]speedhacks[/SIZE][SIZE=12px].[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12px]I would like to have this ban rescinded.[/SIZE]
It wouldn't make sense for an admin to let you know they suspect you of cheating. I reviewed the demo and you were running pretty fast.

@ tick 16000
Watched it over like 15 times... I really searched for any reason other than speedhack but I've never seen lag that makes a play move faster. 7 years of CS and I just havn't seen it man Sad sorry.
2 years? Try a little over a year, brah.
I didn't hack, but it's sad that it's impossible to prove a negative.
I always have what I would like to call frame problems, which I mentioned to Bison a while back on the scrim 1 server, i even showed him the circumstances, between scrims, where I jumped, and my ping remained at <50, no frames dropped, no yellow lerp, nothing unusual at all, and I stayed hung up in the air for a second or two, had to reboot that time to fix it. To my bad luck, gameMe doesn't save the chat logs far enough to prove this claim, have to rely on Bison's memory on this one.
I would lag without losing frames or choke or ping and I had to reboot every 90-120 minutes or so. Check my game time logs and you will see this reflects there. Very seldom a single connection over 2 hours.
I had one of these glitches while playing with Riser last year and asked him if i lagged too much a couple of times, because I know I'm dropping frames after said time period, however I can't tell if it's too much, but usually it bothers me enough to reboot and keep playing.

I had no motive to use speedhacks or opportunity since I know there are always admins around the office server and I feel fairly comfortable with my pump.
I used to mention having issues with my rig multiple times, short of taping myself over the shoulder playing for over 1.5 hrs I can't argue better than this on my end.

Since I don't know if I might have a word before this thread gets closed, good or bad, I better leave this here:
[INDENT=1]Thanks to the guys at the office server for the good times and take it easy, these last 17 months were fun![/INDENT]

Dave Chappelle was right: You'd hate to catch a beef for something you know you didn't do.
@Joker: I've been a regular pretty much the same time as you on the Office Server, brah.
Negative. We didn't even have a 24/7 Office Server when I was came around.
26 Feb 2013 13:32:44 Connect connected to the server cs_office
26 Feb 2013 15:39:51 Disconnect left the game cs_office
This appears more than 2 hrs.
24 Feb 2013 19:07:39 Disconnect left the game cs_office
24 Feb 2013 15:54:29 Connect connected to the server cs_office
This one too.
24 Feb 2013 10:05:08 Disconnect left the game cs_office
24 Feb 2013 07:51:28 Connect connected to the server
Over 2 hrs.

Those were your last 3 play times. You were running faster than all the players regardless of weapon drawn; don't you find that strange? It would be one thing if you were stuttering on the map, but you were just running faster. Yet you think its okay to play with a distinct advantage?

Congrats on playing on wLs for almost 2 years. Too bad it took a ban to get you to join the forums. Probably would have been a great place to voice these issues you were having.

TTTTTuna, post: 86721, member: 16733 Wrote:[SIZE=12px]I would like to have this ban rescinded.[/SIZE]
I would like to have this ban appeal rescinded.
I don't think having an advantage is better that's why it bothered me beyond making the pump not aim right/tmp wouldn't reg, and I would reboot even when another regular called me out on glitching when I didn't feel it was warranted. I haven't checked but I bet my scores when I play over 2 hours are more dismal than normal too.

I had an account here Aug, 2011 "Teks" figuring I would apply for admin eventually, sadly I didn't have much spare time for forums, so left it hanging. Moot point now.

Proving a negative is beyond me and it seems we have said all that needed to be said.

I'm done here.
[SIZE=12px]Thanks for your time and consideration.[/SIZE]

The sporadic speedhacking has been attributed to hardware issues.