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Resolved i think something should be done about this.... - Printable Version

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RE: i think something should be done about this.... - xFerior - Aug 08 2011

David did make a thread about leaving CS:S open in the servers :Smile However, he was talking about empty servers, and this doesn't seem to be the case  :-X

RE: i think something should be done about this.... - The Rival - Aug 08 2011

Well what you wanna do then? Zenk has a good point about the slot being wasted because an admin is AFKing in the spec zone.

And yeah xFerior, Mr Teas idling doesn't apply to the thread you mentioned.

Also Bison, that was when the servers were first setup, and I am guessing you had less admins back then and no SMAC?

I dunno, times have changed a little, and it's not really necessary for an admin to be AFK in the spectate group whilst the server is busy and players are trying to connect.

RE: i think something should be done about this.... - xFerior - Aug 08 2011

SMAC is relatively new, especially the eye angles module. o.o

RE: i think something should be done about this.... - The Rival - Aug 08 2011

xFerior Wrote:SMAC is relatively new, especially the eye angles module. o.o

Yeah, that's what I meant. Bison spent 48 - 72 hours on the server when they were first up because it was necessary to spend that much time, as there were less admins and no SMAC/EAV plugins. Now we have more active admins and those modules running, its not necessary for an admin to spend 27 hours connected to one server in Spec (for however many hours that was in spec/in game).

I mean, when the server is low on players, it doesn't really matter, but when it's almost full (or in this case, completely full) then it's detrimental to have a slot taken up by someone thats not there, especially when there are other admins around that could connect instead.

I am not bashing anyone here, I am just trying to elaborate on Zenks original point, which I kinda agree with. At the same time, it's good to have Mr Tea dedicating a lot of time to being on a server. But if he's not there for hours on end, then it's quite pointless. You could argue again that if you see an admin sitting in spec, then its a deterrent for hackers. But then again, most random hackers wouldn't guess that he was one, so would just go ahead and hack anyway. In most cases hackers don't care, even if the admin is playing the game with them, they still carry on hacking.

I dunno, it's a simple solution really. Just ask Mr Tea to disconnect if he's going to be leaving the keyboard for a few hours. Simples Smile

RE: i think something should be done about this.... - Rabbit - Aug 08 2011

I think this is less of a problem then you guys are making it out to be. Bison already said he had seen me tea play throughout the day, so were only talking about a map or two of him being in spec. Also, you guys should realize that just because he has not banned anyone does not mean he was not speccing anyone. Sometimes when I get enough complaints I'll spec an entire map and go afk and then review the demo later. I'm not saying that this is what mr tea was doing but I'm giving a valid reason why we cannot apply the sodding kicking rule to admins.

At the very least you could ask nicely of him privately if the server is full and he is not playing to leave the server. No reason to make an entire thread with the title " I think something should be done about this".

People will start to notice the more they ask admins politely rather then trying to go over then via the website, that you'll achieve easer and greater results.

RE: i think something should be done about this.... - Eternal - Aug 08 2011

Matt Wrote:He should idle in Deathmatch with me Smile.

It's a bug with SRCDS.

DM Ftw!

RE: i think something should be done about this.... - The Rival - Aug 08 2011

Rabbit Wrote:At the very least you could ask nicely of him privately if the server is full and he is not playing to leave the server.

That's what I was saying, pretty much, I was just giving my reasoning Smile No hard feelings here boss, just weighing in a little. I know what it's like to have your side of the conversation stonewalled because you can't put your point across effectively enough, so I was just helping out a bit Smile

Either way, doesn't bother me unless its server 10 LOL

RE: i think something should be done about this.... - OwnageHN - Aug 09 2011

Rabbit Wrote:At the very least you could ask nicely of him privately if the server is full and he is not playing to leave the server. No reason to make an entire thread with the title " I think something should be done about this".

The whole point of the thread is that he is AFK in Spectator while the server is full for a considerable amount of time on a regular basis.  Since he is AFK, asking him to leave is futile until he comes back to his computer hours later.

I'm glad to see there is more interest in this.  I brought this issue up immediately after I noticed it weeks ago.  What I was told then was "there's a [secret] reason why he is in Spectator all of the time."

RE: i think something should be done about this.... - Mr.Tea - Aug 09 2011

Zenk Wrote:ive seen mr.tea on pop maps #2 just sitting there afk for hours and hours taking up a slot being completely afk a number of times now

i have no problem with him and love to play with him but hes taking up a slot all the time.

[Image: mrtea.jpg]

I am AFK some of time, but I also periodically tab in and check the server.  You wouldn't know that because I don't announce it to the world.  Hence when I swoop in and demo someone who thinks I'm afk because they think I am always gone.  Funny how that works.  I set consistency to figure that out.  Point of it is a deterrent.  It does work because I have friends online playing that will message me when peculiar things happen.

Rabbit Wrote:At the very least you could ask nicely of him privately if the server is full and he is not playing to leave the server. No reason to make an entire thread with the title " I think something should be done about this".

People will start to notice the more they ask admins politely rather then trying to go over then via the website, that you'll achieve easer and greater results.

I agree something needs to be done about this. ;D 
I think it is funny that the way I see this is, by randomly reading a confrontational thread title.

So, you've been watching me days now.  Neither Zenk nor Ownage(in my friend's list) has asked me once or voiced a concern in-game, which I have seen at least Zenk in-game most days.  Let me see my inbox to see if I have a message from either one of you....Nope. 

All you had to do is send a message to me, but oh wait that would be easy and non-confrontational.

Next time I'll announce it to the server when I am spectating for a hacker 8) 


I, The Rival Wrote:So I think that maybe this should be fixed before limiting how much time Mr Tea spends in spec. I think Mr Tea should be able to spend time in spec, but 23 hours connected to that server is a bit much. Maybe a plugin to limit how much time people spend in spec? I mean, especially if he is actually AFK for a large amount of that time, it's not really stopping anyone from hacking. You could argue that as long as people think that there is an admin there, they would be less inclined to hack, but only regulars would know that Mr Tea is an admin, a random hacker won't care at all.

Maybe ask him first why he spends all that time in spec, and then see what you can do to use that time more efficiently?
How about before we start limiting or anything with Mr.Tea we maybe ask him.  Or you can go on a random tangent and speculate what I am doing.  Wow.
Eternal94 Wrote:
Matt Wrote:He should idle in Deathmatch with me Smile.

It's a bug with SRCDS.

DM Ftw!

No he shouldn't.  Ewwwww.  :-[  I'll be in the perpetually empty Full Rotation

I, The Rival Wrote:I am not bashing anyone here, I am just trying to elaborate on Zenks original point, which I kinda agree with. At the same time, it's good to have Mr Tea dedicating a lot of time to being on a server. But if he's not there for hours on end, then it's quite pointless. You could argue again that if you see an admin sitting in spec, then its a deterrent for hackers. But then again, most random hackers wouldn't guess that he was one, so would just go ahead and hack anyway. In most cases hackers don't care, even if the admin is playing the game with them, they still carry on hacking.

I dunno, it's a simple solution really. Just ask Mr Tea to disconnect if he's going to be leaving the keyboard for a few hours. Simples Smile

It is since the whole point is not to catch the random hacker.  Its the one that I already have rnds of demo's of and know that I am an admin.  That's how I caught a few regulars hacking.  I was setting in SPEC for 4hrs and looked at my computer, auto-spectated and caught them when they were complacent with walling.  It's OK I won't do this anymore.  I do dunno it is a simple solution.  Why don't we ask Mr.Tea instead of having a awesome debate about it.
Rabbit Wrote:I think this is less of a problem then you guys are making it out to be. Bison already said he had seen me teame tea play throughout the day, so were only talking about a map or two of him being in spec. Also, you guys should realize that just because he has not banned anyone does not mean he was not speccing anyone. Sometimes when I get enough complaints I'll spec an entire map and go afk and then review the demo later. I'm not saying that this is what mr tea was doing but I'm giving a valid reason why we cannot apply the sodding kicking rule to admins.

At the very least you could ask nicely of him privately if the server is full and he is not playing to leave the server. No reason to make an entire thread with the title " I think something should be done about this".

People will start to notice the more they ask admins politely rather then trying to go over then via the website, that you'll achieve easer and greater results.

You no tea..Me Tea?  They have found us out. Rabbit and Mr.Tea are one in the same.  I too leave and record or sadly patiently watch the person a map or two depending on what it going on, but once again.  Rabbit brings up a good point.  He would...... :o.....ask me.

RE: i think something should be done about this.... - OwnageHN - Aug 09 2011

The issue:
* Mr. Tea being AFK in Spectator while server is full and 3+ reserved slots in the server.

Why this is an issue:
* Players are turned down from joining the server.
* One team will always have a numbers advantage since Mr. Tea will be AFK in Spectator.

What is not the issue:
* Mr. Tea in Spectator at any time the server is not full.
* Mr. Tea in Spectator, not AFK, while the server is full and able to receive Steam Friends messages to possibly leave the server to make room.
* Mr. Tea in Spectator, not AFK, while the server is full and recording a demo of potential cheaters or disruptive players.

From what I've experienced, Mr. Tea leaves his computer on over night while he's asleep.  Note that he cannot check CS:S for hackers while he's asleep.  Also note that the #4 server, the one I see him in Spectator the most, is full during a large portion of this time.

I appreciate Mr. Tea's effort in catching the (undisclosed amount of) regulars cheating.  However, his method, although not completely, is in conflict with the issue at hand.