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Resolved i think something should be done about this.... - Printable Version

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RE: i think something should be done about this.... - joker8baller - Aug 09 2011

I think you guys are making this a big problem then it already is. Regardless of Mr. Tea being AFK or not, he's turning away one person, who will have to wait to connect to the server. It demonstrates the server's popularity and provides incentive for players who want to play here to buy a reserved slot.

It is just one slot. We have 3 other servers, and more importantly 2 popular maps server, they're rarely full at both times.

Having an admin in spec, afk or not, is a deterrent to potential hackers and is helpful.

Again, it's one slot. It's not a big deal, I'm sorry you have to wait to get into a popular server, but hey, if you want to play here, you do what you have to do.

RE: i think something should be done about this.... - Eternal - Aug 09 2011

Well wait, I have a question about this now... How is an admin going to catch someone hacking while theyre afk for hours? They spec one person and then they spec the person who kills them? That doesnt seem effective.

RE: i think something should be done about this.... - The Rival - Aug 09 2011

Mr.Tea Wrote:
I, The Rival Wrote:So I think that maybe this should be fixed before limiting how much time Mr Tea spends in spec. I think Mr Tea should be able to spend time in spec, but 23 hours connected to that server is a bit much. Maybe a plugin to limit how much time people spend in spec? I mean, especially if he is actually AFK for a large amount of that time, it's not really stopping anyone from hacking. You could argue that as long as people think that there is an admin there, they would be less inclined to hack, but only regulars would know that Mr Tea is an admin, a random hacker won't care at all.

Maybe ask him first why he spends all that time in spec, and then see what you can do to use that time more efficiently?
How about before we start limiting or anything with Mr.Tea we maybe ask him.  Or you can go on a random tangent and speculate what I am doing.  Wow.

Missed that, did ya?

Mr.Tea Wrote:
I, The Rival Wrote:I am not bashing anyone here, I am just trying to elaborate on Zenks original point, which I kinda agree with. At the same time, it's good to have Mr Tea dedicating a lot of time to being on a server. But if he's not there for hours on end, then it's quite pointless. You could argue again that if you see an admin sitting in spec, then its a deterrent for hackers. But then again, most random hackers wouldn't guess that he was one, so would just go ahead and hack anyway. In most cases hackers don't care, even if the admin is playing the game with them, they still carry on hacking.

I dunno, it's a simple solution really. Just ask Mr Tea to disconnect if he's going to be leaving the keyboard for a few hours. Simples Smile

It is since the whole point is not to catch the random hacker.  Its the one that I already have rnds of demo's of and know that I am an admin.  That's how I caught a few regulars hacking.  I was setting in SPEC for 4hrs and looked at my computer, auto-spectated and caught them when they were complacent with walling.  It's OK I won't do this anymore.  I do dunno it is a simple solution.  Why don't we ask Mr.Tea instead of having a awesome debate about it.

Again, just simply asking you was my solution. No need to bite my head off just because you skipped through my post and only read the negative stuff.

RE: i think something should be done about this.... - Anubis - Aug 09 2011

What difference does one slot make anyway? It's not like there aren't any randoms who sit in spectator.

RE: i think something should be done about this.... - JackMonroe - Aug 09 2011

Really just not a big deal.

RE: i think something should be done about this.... - Rabbit - Aug 09 2011



No but seriously, close this pointless thread.

RE: i think something should be done about this.... - OwnageHN - Aug 09 2011

joker8baller Wrote:Regardless of Mr. Tea being AFK or not, he's turning away one person, who will have to wait to connect to the server.

It does not only turn away one person.  It can turn away 0 people per night and it could turn away 30 people per night.  I'm not sure how reserved slots work.  If I join a full server, does it automatically kick a non-reserved slot holder out?  Or, am I denied because there's an AFK reserved slot holder sitting in Spectator?

joker8baller Wrote:Having an admin in spec, afk or not, is a deterrent to potential hackers and is helpful.

This makes sense.  However, he should not be AFK in Spectator over night while he's sleeping when the server is completely full.  It does not deter new players from cheating because they don't know Mr. Tea is an admin.  It does not deter regulars from cheating because regulars know that Mr. Tea is asleep.

RE: i think something should be done about this.... - joker8baller - Aug 09 2011

It does only turn away that one person that tries to connect. At the wee hours of the morning, it is useful to have a hard to get into server as people will typically wait to connect to that server. If the server is continuing to remain full, as it has, I still don't see a problem with it.

The reserved slots vary, I'm not quite sure how it works as I do not have one, and I do have to wait to get into the server.

Seeing as Mr. Tea does ban throughout the night, I think it is working and there have been a good reduction in hackers on the server.

Again, it's one slot, the servers are still full. There shouldn't be a large problem with this. If you want to play that badly, then buy a reserved slot.

RE: i think something should be done about this.... - OwnageHN - Aug 09 2011

joker8baller Wrote:It does only turn away that one person that tries to connect. At the wee hours of the morning, it is useful to have a hard to get into server as people will typically wait to connect to that server. If the server is continuing to remain full, as it has, I still don't see a problem with it.

The reserved slots vary, I'm not quite sure how it works as I do not have one, and I do have to wait to get into the server.

Seeing as Mr. Tea does ban throughout the night, I think it is working and there have been a good reduction in hackers on the server.

Again, it's one slot, the servers are still full. There shouldn't be a large problem with this. If you want to play that badly, then buy a reserved slot.

Okay, I didn't think I had to clarify this before, but I understand only 1 person tries to connect to the server at a time.  Now imagine multiple (single people) trying to connect to the server when the server is full.  This is what I mean by "turning players down."

Don't you have a reserved slot because you're an admin?

If Mr. Tea bans during the night, that means he's not AFK asleep, which I have said before; it is not the problem.

The reserved slot point is incomplete.  Am I able to join a full server, that is, with both reserved slots full (42/42), after purchasing a reserved slot?  If not, then buying a reserved slot does not solve the issue at hand.

RE: i think something should be done about this.... - Rabbit - Aug 09 2011

Can we end this thread please? I'm very tired of people complaining and bickering of everything and everyone in this community to better suit their own personal needs.