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RE: Gadaffi dead - MindHACKer - Oct 22 2011

ruplayer Wrote:
MindHACKer Wrote:
ruplayer Wrote:Not really, if you're talking about politics and how Israel was formed you're fine, but if you say
I talking exactly about how Israel was formed.

So we now agree that Israel is actual country, right?
Yes, but as our Government said, we have to give to take, so I agree that Israel is an Actual Country on the 67 Borders only, even tho it was formed Illegally.

RE: Gadaffi dead - Anonymous - Oct 22 2011

It's actually funny how 200 millions Arabs can't take a small piece of land from 5 millions of Jews. US supports Israel for a good reason. And territory of Israel is really small, I believe the real reason isn't territory.

RE: Gadaffi dead - MindHACKer - Oct 22 2011

ruplayer Wrote:It's actually funny how 200 millions Arabs can't take a small piece of land from 5 millions of Jews. US supports Israel for a good reason. And territory of Israel is really small, I believe the real reason isn't territory.

Yes it's funny really really funny, and disgusting too.
The reason? its the LAND and the LAND only, PALASTINE
do you know what is the cause for the late Syrian Events, ill tell ya
Its because of a choice, our late leader (Hafez Al-Assad) did made.

He declared war on Israel for occupying not just Arab land in General, but Syrian Land too, so we went in war, and won, but do you know what the Israelis did before retreating from The City of "en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Quneitra", they Detonated it with massive amounts of TNT, They destroyed it completely, and our late President decided not to rebuild, in a hope to show the whole world the real picture of Israel, and how much they are racists to Arabs, Google it if you don't believe my words.
that's why, they are punishing us for our claim to our lands!
But still there is "http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Golan_Heights" which are still occupied by the Israelis, but the day which it will be back is soon, and as our president said, I believe in the Return of our Golan, we all believe of its return.

RE: Gadaffi dead - Canister - Oct 22 2011

Well no posts are going to be removed free speech is allowed.

The only reason Israel was even formed was because the US was more religous at the time and their religion, which was Christianity, thought of Israel as the land for the Jews and armed them to take over that land. We still have a highly religous group here and they are the Republicans, if you watch the debates on TV they all support Israel and so do the voters because of the religous meaning of Israel to them. Religion is the only reason Israel exists today and it's the only reason it still gets backing from the US. If any candidate were to say Israel is breaking humanitarian laws and should recognize Palestine, lobbyist groups for Israel would make a huge campaign against anyone who goes against Israel.  Today the main problem is that you can't kick either people out, you have to find some sort of peace and to go back to the 67 borders which would be the best option at the moment. Israel though is hell bent on building more illegal settlements and making a last attempt of land grabbing and are even doing so in maritime borders with Lebanon. Israel's government is also extremely racist and make every citizen take an oath to recognize Israel as a Jewish state. It's clear today that their "democracy" is really an apartheid state that's trying to ethnically cleanse the area. Also APEC is a lobbyist group like the NRA and such and do make a big difference in backing candidates based on their perception of Israel.

RE: Gadaffi dead - naive - Oct 22 2011

Israel can't really be considered 'sovereign' when they are so dependent on the United States. US says jump, they say.. how high master? For centuries past, the idea that a state could be sovereign was always connected to its ability to guarantee the best interests of its own citizens. Thus, if a state could not act in the best interests of its own citizens, it could not be thought of as a “sovereign” state. Now, seeing as Israel is essentially incapable of doing anything the USA does not want without losing incredible sums of funding, it has essentially given up its ability to have sovereignty. Race has nothing to do with the fact that Israel is essentially a U.S. faction.

RE: Gadaffi dead - Anonymous - Oct 23 2011

The only really independent country can exist with communist regime. So Independent country sometimes depends on some other country, but it doesn't brake it's sovereignty. Also besides religion fact, you need to remember that top US governors and senators are Jewish as well, and strategically it's really good to have country-marionette in that sector.

RE: Gadaffi dead - MindHACKer - Oct 23 2011

Canister Wrote:Well no posts are going to be removed free speech is allowed.

The only reason Israel was even formed was because the US was more religious at the time and their religion, which was Christianity, thought of Israel as the land for the Jews and armed them to take over that land. We still have a highly religious group here and they are the Republicans, if you watch the debates on TV they all support Israel and so do the voters because of the religious meaning of Israel to them. Religion is the only reason Israel exists today and it's the only reason it still gets backing from the US. If any candidate were to say Israel is breaking humanitarian laws and should recognize Palestine, lobbyist groups for Israel would make a huge campaign against anyone who goes against Israel.  Today the main problem is that you can't kick either people out, you have to find some sort of peace and to go back to the 67 borders which would be the best option at the moment. Israel though is hell bent on building more illegal settlements and making a last attempt of land grabbing and are even doing so in maritime borders with Lebanon. Israel's government is also extremely racist and make every citizen take an oath to recognize Israel as a Jewish state. It's clear today that their "democracy" is really an apartheid state that's trying to ethnically cleanse the area. Also APEC is a lobbyist group like the NRA and such and do make a big difference in backing candidates based on their perception of Israel.

I'm so impressed!!! Thank you Canister for such an awesome Comment!!!
You know, when we ask our teachers, and parents, why is it that every thing Illegal to everyone is legal to Israel, they tell us "USA", so we ask, is "USA" another Land for Israel, they tell us Lobbies. and I ask what about the American public Voice, and I always get this answer. |Mind wash|. but after i saw comments from Canister, Bison, and others, I think there are American People who Analyze and think Logically, and they are not slaves of the powerful American Media.
God Bless free American People  Smile