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Resolved Admin/Power Abuse - Printable Version

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RE: Admin/Power Abuse - _nme - Dec 13 2016

i hate to feel like i'm being mean, but you keep arguing a case that in no way will go your way unless we feel some sort of sympathy for you man. in which case you came to the wrong place.

RE: Admin/Power Abuse - Spiderfreak - Dec 13 2016

(Dec 13 2016, 05:36 AM)_nme Wrote: i hate to feel like i'm being mean, but you keep arguing a case that in no way will go your way unless we feel some sort of sympathy for you man. in which case you came to the wrong place.

I only made this whole thing because Edward and a few others said I should've reported Bill for abuse of admin powers, so I did because I agreed with them. I wasn't trying to get sympathy it just would be nice if most players weren't such an ass to the low skill ones like me or any new players.

RE: Admin/Power Abuse - Edward - Dec 13 2016

I don't expect anyone to get in trouble for this all I'm saying is that I don't think that you should have gotten any type of ban for just being bad. I don't care for spider all too much but he is a regular and in his defense he has gotten a lot better since the first time he played here. Spider, you are hot-headed and refuse to take advise from those that you should be taking advise from; you need to be more open minded. I would hate to see you and other players like you leave because of harassment, but you have made a reputation for yourself of being dense and there are other players that are not so great but take a lot less shit because they accept criticism. You didn't deserve to be banned but I can also see the frustration on the other side of the isle, you need to take other peoples advise and hold your tongue sometimes.

tl;dr - I don't think he should have gotten a ban. I also think he needs to take more advise from others.

RE: Admin/Power Abuse - QueenCrazy - Dec 13 2016

My opinion on this is he definitely is not that good of a player but he should not get banned for being a bad player. He definitely should try to get better and accept advice if people offer it instead of being a little hostile towards the person offering actual advice. I don't care if you don't take any action towards the admin that banned him since it wasn't even that long but I don't think people should get banned for being bad since they have potential to be a regular in the server and bring more people into the server which is a good thing. I see spider in there a lot of the time and always inviting people he knows into the server so he can keep the server alive for a little bit longer. My finally conclusion basically is that he is bad and he should get better and not lash out to people because that obviously does not help, I will try to help him with that and I don't think people should get banned for being bad since it pushes people away from the server.

RE: Admin/Power Abuse - Spiderfreak - Dec 13 2016

(Dec 13 2016, 02:53 PM)Sproink Wrote: I don't expect anyone to get in trouble for this all I'm saying is that I don't think that you should have gotten any type of ban for just being bad. I don't care for spider all too much but he is a regular and in his defense he has gotten a lot better since the first time he played here. Spider, you are hot-headed and refuse to take advise from those that you should be taking advise from; you need to be more open minded. I would hate to see you and other players like you leave because of harassment, but you have made a reputation for yourself of being dense and there are other players that are not so great but take a lot less shit because they accept criticism. You didn't deserve to be banned but I can also see the frustration on the other side of the isle, you need to take other peoples advise and hold your tongue sometimes.

tl;dr - I don't think he should have gotten a ban. I also think he needs to take more advise from others.

I'm not disagreeing with u Edward or Sproink I can't tell which one u r... but anyways, the type of advice I would like to hear is like gameplay things like aim a bit higher or try to strafe while shooting, like things like that. Ik I need to increase my reaction time because to me I see it, and I'll work on it whether it being playing on DM servers or whatever. And also tbh, I mainly only get pissed off at others so much because they're such an ass to me first. Like last night, I was being told to leave by pretty much everyone except Queen. If that's what u mean of me being hot-headed or as me getting pissed a lot.

RE: Admin/Power Abuse - sheev - Dec 13 2016

ok so as a fellow person who's typically a bottom fragger here's what i would suggest.

1) play a lot more pubs and deathmatch, i would suggest nbk server since they play similar maps to wl pugs and you can practice learning callouts on each map, where the effective areas are to flash/smoke, etc plus you get 16k so you can practice with whatever weapon you want. its generally expected that you'll know basic parts of gameplay like where to aim and strafing so i wouldn't really expect people to tell you about that and it seems you already know to do that stuff anyway.
2) dont use utility unless you know what you're doing with it, i.e., dont get fancy with flashes and smokes. i don't throw em unless i know where they're going
3) i've made this mistake before and i feel really bad about it (sorry junior, i forgot that i was an adult and i was having a terrible day IRL) but really try not to be so defensive in game. i know everyone has said this but its totally true. if things are getting rough just talk about the game and move on. you don't have to try and defend yourself every time someone says something to you. just gotta let it roll off your back. i think that's why people are getting upset, because they think you don't know that you did something wrong or something that didn't make sense
4) have a short memory every time you fuck up, that's what my coaches told me when i played football and it applies here as well
5) don't call out unless you're 100% sure that's where the opposing players are, like if you see something happening. if you don't know whats happening say you don't know where you got killed from or whatever. this is especially valid for maps you don't know as well
6) ur gonna get pooped on from time to time, its really not that big of a deal when it happens.
7) i would say that i bottom frag in about 2/3 of pubs i play and ive kind of learned to accept that. so what i do is i try to entry (and die first w/ info) or carry bomb so i can get plants on T side, and then play a spot that i'm comfortable with on CT side.
8) do stuff that makes sense and will help your team, don't try to get cute with lurks or long rotations

im not sure if people dread playing with me on their team and i hope they don't (and if you do please tell me, i'm a grown man and i can handle it) but i think this is at least why people don't scream at me for reasons other than i'm not fragging. good players don't mind carrying as long as you're helping them win. if they're carrying you and your team is losing of course they're gonna get frustrated and probably take it out on you but you can do stuff other than fragging to help your team out

RE: Admin/Power Abuse - Bill Nose - Dec 13 2016

Ok, after reading what people are saying I think this thread can be a guide to not only spider but every player in the WL community.

1) Ben - Let me know what you are going to right in this "guide" you will post. Ill give you some of my input.

2) At any point in any WL pug server any WL player could be the "worst player" in the server. Depending on who is in there.. So everyone can learn things to improve if the choose to do so. I've been in pugs where its just me and lesser skilled players and the RWS totals are 45 (me having about 20-23 RWS). I've also been in pugs where the RWS was 70-75. So it all depends on who is playing at a given time. I personally like to play against higher RWS players. Its not fun for me winning 16-5 and dropping 50 kills... id rather have a challenge. So that is why many times i've suggested a WL pug server with a minimum of 10 RWS to play in.

3) I dont agree with people telling you not to focus on using nades. Nades should be your bread and butter if you arent as good as aiming. If this server had a top 15 of players with the best aim, i would not be on it. But every month i'm 1-3 in RWS. Nade placement and positioning can set up so many easy kills even against the best players in the world (see me talk about that here -------> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PQI5ItjX8bg ). Get good with flashes and kill players when they are blind... its a lot easier, trust me.

I have other videos to watch where i just use spots and flashes to get kills. Im never just running in and fragging like ben or jrc4, they are better than me at that. I focus on out playing people and using the game to its fullest potential. Mix up your spots and be random sometimes.


RE: Admin/Power Abuse - Riser - Dec 15 2016

Lets move the discussion over here: