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Suggestion SNIPER SERVER FOR ASIA? - Printable Version

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+--- Thread: Suggestion SNIPER SERVER FOR ASIA? (/thread-15767.html)

SNIPER SERVER FOR ASIA? - ShuriKunai - Nov 05 2015

It would be pretty awsome if we (the Asians) would have our very own Sniper server. I'm so fed up of getting owned by aRMak, Snowbars and ALIVE"huNTeR every, single, fokin, time. I'm trying to be a good awper but those few single milaseconds that they see me before I do, just crushes my expectations. We want our full potential to be tapped. And show what we can do. Thanks if you can - FlameyS

RE: SNIPER SERVER FOR ASIA? - ryz - Nov 05 2015

I'm just gonna post this since this suggestion was already made.

(Aug 23 2015, 01:25 AM)Black Blood Wrote: I disagree with idea. It will only make the sniper server in america slowly die. Xurrently our asian servers are very active and less so in america. Hense we asian players should help it populate it instead of removing a portion of our players

RE: SNIPER SERVER FOR ASIA? - ShuriKunai - Nov 05 2015

(Nov 05 2015, 04:02 PM)ryz Wrote: I'm just gonna post this since this suggestion was already made.

(Aug 23 2015, 01:25 AM)Black Blood Wrote: I disagree with idea. It will only make the sniper server in america slowly die. Xurrently our asian servers are very active and less so in america. Hense we asian players should help it populate it instead of removing a portion of our players

Well if you can change the servers IP to a much closer one to Asia, then that would be a bit more fair rather than giving them the advantage of seeing us a couple milaseconds before we do.

RE: SNIPER SERVER FOR ASIA? - Sibrox - Nov 05 2015

You have started doing this crao things since you got banned for randomly getting disconnected in PUGs. I wouldn't want this server moved in Asia because we'll loost alot of players from NA and nearby countries in there.

RE: SNIPER SERVER FOR ASIA? - HowZaT - Nov 06 2015

as much as i would love this, it will only be worse for the community..

the sniper server usually has around 2-6 people on when i look.. lets say half of these are Asian.
the Asian players play on "their" server, removing half of the people from the american server
both servers now average 1-3 people due to the 2 different servers splitting the community.

i don't know about you, but if i am scrolling through my favorites and see 2 sniper servers with 2 people each.. i dont feel like joining as much as if there was 1 server with 6 people.

there is also a cost issue.. it cost money to run servers, and from what i assume, warlords doesn't get too many donations (i could be wrong)

i couldn't see this ever happening unless snipers averages around at least 20-30 people, which obviously will never happen as this game is dying

RE: SNIPER SERVER FOR ASIA? - Mechanic - Nov 06 2015

First i thought it might be a good idea, then by comparing the server performance between Asian and American servers, America stands first. even though you connect from places like Philliphines, India you may get a good gameplay even if your ping is high. For instance i lag a lot on Asian Servers especially DD2M and OFFICE ASIA. but when i connect to American i get Lag-Free Gameplay.

Quote:You have started doing this crao things since you got banned for randomly getting disconnected in PUGs. I wouldn't want this server moved in Asia because we'll loose a lot of players from NA and nearby countries in there.
I Agree with this and Flamey  'Just Go With IT'.

RE: SNIPER SERVER FOR ASIA? - ShuriKunai - Nov 07 2015

(Nov 05 2015, 11:04 PM)Sibrox Wrote: You have started doing this crao things since you got banned for randomly getting disconnected in PUGs. I wouldn't want this server moved in Asia because we'll loost alot of players from NA and nearby countries in there.

Get your grammar right bro.. And then talk to me..

RE: SNIPER SERVER FOR ASIA? - Sibrox - Nov 07 2015

(Nov 07 2015, 10:15 AM)FlameCurrent Wrote:
(Nov 05 2015, 11:04 PM)Sibrox Wrote: You have started doing this crao things since you got banned for randomly getting disconnected in PUGs. I wouldn't want this server moved in Asia because we'll loost alot of players from NA and nearby countries in there.

Get your grammar right bro.. And then talk to me..
You get my point.