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cotw Ralphwado - Lewis - Printable Version

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cotw Ralphwado - Lewis - FayLawn - Aug 28 2021


RE: cotw Ralphwado - Lewis - tardbus - Aug 28 2021

What a fanboy of ralfbot.

Ralf spraying down the likes of icon and cerdo isn't very impressive.

I wanna see drunk hyperc ace.

RE: cotw Ralphwado - Lewis - HyperC - Aug 28 2021

Yes , I am the OLDEST and Best Drunk acer here MOFO , As a matter of fact going to try again shortly.. Rawr!!~

RE: cotw Ralphwado - Lewis - Lewis - Aug 29 2021

(Aug 28 2021, 04:26 PM)FayLawn Wrote: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_sYK9nSZCGM
ty paddy