Suggestions or Issues
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- Chat Name Colors? (9 Replies)
- Thx ... ZM is alive again :) (9 Replies)
- Mini games map suggestion (5 Replies)
- Can't Join ZM [RESOLVED] (2 Replies)
- Deathmatch points/penalty tweeking (17 Replies)
- Don't Think People Are Coming Back To Pop Maps Even If Moved (10 Replies)
- Zombie Mod Server is Down? [RESOLVED] (5 Replies)
- Bots w/ Ping (10 Replies)
- Asia servers are dowwwwwwwn [RESOLVED] (1 Reply)
- Registry (3 Replies)
- Warlords Pub Crawl?! (3 Replies)
- Repopulate US base servers (14 Replies)
- New Bindings for the servers (4 Replies)
- Temp ban bug? (2 Replies)
- Its that time again.. [MG] map suggestions (0 Replies)
- Server Population (11 Replies)
- Population on Pop Server (17 Replies)
- CSS PUG #2/4 CENT (3 Replies)
- cs_crackhouse server issues (3 Replies)
- Question/Suggestion regarding admin requirements (1 Reply)