i jus wanna smack humanity in the face sometimes... how many more f***ing hacker threads without demos r we gunna have? when we gunna finally be able to keep certain people from breeding?
You need a demo or it never happen.
Don't have a demo because I haven't seen him play for a bit, but I recognize both names and remember having the same suspicions. The sketchiest part about it is when confronted, he'd go spec for a round or two and when he returned, he wasn't getting nearly as many kills. This happened on a couple occasions so it kind of confirmed it for me. Like I said I don't have a demo either so this is really just more hearsay.

he plays under the alias "halle berry" now as well. im starting to think hes just really good cause ive seen him own people but at the same time die in situations a hacker would have survived. hes probably just really smart and experienced. but you can still demo him.. also as for the whole "spec" thing and sucking after coming back as mentioned above, you dont have to go to spec to toggle off hacks you can do it by alt tabbing or even while youre playing with the push of a button.. so him going to spec isnt indicative of anything. hes usually mulitasking ive caught him looking up youtube videos and talking to d3vaLL about them so his entire focus isnt on theg ame which is probably why he does bad at times. idk though
this kid is just terrible, how you call him a hacker is beyond me
hes obviously not terrible considering more than half the server thinks or has thougth he cheats.. you are just raging cause in all honestly he probably owned you LOL unless you can provide some suggestive evidence as to why he is "terrible" mr pro mich nofa
Mich is actually a pretty good player.
He's just a pubstar. A lot of people think new pubstars cheat, same thing happened with d3vall, devious etc. Although he isn't close to their level. He'd never preform in any competitive environment, he is more than welcome to come scrim to prove the opposite. Pubs display very little of a players complete ability, not to take anything away from some of the really good players on the pop maps servers.
Also, he plays and acts like a massive cum-dumpster.
mich NOFA, post: 100240, member: 17091 Wrote:He's just a pubstar. A lot of people think new pubstars cheat, same thing happened with d3vall, devious etc. Although he isn't close to their level. He'd never preform in any competitive environment, he is more than welcome to come scrim to prove the opposite. Pubs display very little of a players complete ability, not to take anything away from some of the really good players on the pop maps servers.
Also, he plays and acts like a massive cum-dumpster.
Did you not read the initial post? One of the steamIDs he came in once has had cevo-p/cal-i experience in cs 1.6 but i wasn't able to note it.. so i think you're talking out of your ass calling people bad; unless youre some sort of pro yourself then im not sure your opinion holds much weight.. although i agree he is a douche sometimes (which seems to be the reason you're hating on him)
All I see is Cal-0 since 2006. He sure as fuck doesn't play like he was in cevo-p. I practiced with annex during their hayday, but I was never part of the competitive scene (nor do I ever wish to be). I'm also terrible in comparison to that level of play. And I'm not hating on him, I'm loling at you for calling him a hacker when hes god awful.