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Pretty decent multigame maps to add into mg

http://css.gamebanana.com/maps/180030 - mg_OAKS_multigame_v1

http://css.gamebanana.com/maps/177991 - mg_SWAG_multigames_v2_1

http://css.gamebanana.com/maps/176747 - mg_arcs_multigames_beta

http://css.gamebanana.com/maps/174329 - mg_thc_lego_final

http://css.gamebanana.com/maps/164961 - mg_lego_multigames_v2
Another decent map to possibly add is: http://css.gamebanana.com/maps/137981

Also these are very fun and interesting maps so I feel they should be added.
Cmon Waffles you're not even good.
Any maps you guys want to see get removed?
Does not it possible to add it without removing the old maps?
Killed, post: 112242, member: 18246 Wrote:Does not it possible to add it without removing the old maps?
Yup, but I'm just curious if there are any maps you guys don't play or is buggy or something
There's a crap tons, i'll msg you later on steam
Maps that aren't played
deathruns with the exception of iceworld

Many more though if anyone wants to add in
mg_battleforce_soccer or however you say that map name is also not really used at all.
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