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Full Version: Muiltimod *Please Bring Back*
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Alot of my friends play on it but it may be empty for a while but still there will be players playing after a while Smile

Please i beg for the map to be added back in <3

Luv u bison also pleaase Smile

*On Knee* *Begging*
(Jul 03 2015, 11:00 AM)Daryl Wrote: [ -> ]Alot of my friends play on it but it may be empty for a while but still there will be players playing after a while Smile

Please i beg for the map to be added back in <3

Luv u bison also pleaase Smile

*On Knee* *Begging*

he is correct im on this
(Jul 03 2015, 11:00 AM)Daryl Wrote: [ -> ]Alot of my friends play on it but it may be empty for a while but still there will be players playing after a while Smile

Please i beg for the map to be added back in <3

Luv u bison also pleaase Smile

*On Knee* *Begging*

why not turn the zombie server into multi-mod server because there is no players activity in it.
Didn't even know we had a multimod server.
Yes we had but its not actually multimod but rather a GunGame server with fy and gg maps
(Jul 03 2015, 11:00 AM)Daryl Wrote: [ -> ]Alot of my friends play on it but it may be empty for a while but still there will be players playing after a while Smile

Please i beg for the map to be added back in <3

Luv u bison also pleaase Smile

*On Knee* *Begging*

I like the idea to bring that type back..
Do please bring it back :'(
(Aug 23 2015, 01:17 PM)Daryl Wrote: [ -> ]Do please bring it back :'(

yes we will have to