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Full Version: Admin Application for csgo asia pug
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Name: NymphoTriceps

Age: 23

Timezone: SIngapore (UTC +8h)

Availability: Everyday, evening till night. I have classes in the morning and then gym/mma classes in the afternoon.

Tell us something about yourself: I am about to graduate uni with an accounting & finance degree but nothing's going to separate me from cs  Heart  Started with cs1.6 11 years ago and then went to cscz and then css and now csgo.  Besides gaming, im also into gym-ing. Would love to have a chat with other bodybuilders here Smile

Reason For Admin Application:  I play alot on the asia pug servers and have noticed that it bugs out for some reason, e.g it doesnt change to aim map once the pug ends & i've seen some extremely smart wallers. I just want to lend a helping hand to the pug community and keep it clean and interesting for everyone. Gotta stay clean bois #nattynation
Before this i've applied adminship for the css office server a year ago and it got expired because i was too busy with projects + exams and didnt have time the to play. Now that im all free, i can dedicate my time to pug servers in csgo. The pub server for csgo was a failure and i wish you guys would introduce a zombie escape server instead. guys love zombie escape for some reason. haha
Goodluck nympho!
john my man ! thank you Smile
CS GO sucks but anyway all the best
Good Luck bro
thank you bros Smile
Accounting and finance is always a good choice to pursue.
I really love POA during my high school years. After graduating I went to engineering course instead.
Anyway good luck for your application. I really like your good intentions to help out the servers.
(Aug 19 2015, 12:17 PM)FenKeN Wrote: [ -> ]Accounting and finance is always a good choice to pursue.
I really love POA during my high school years. After graduating I went to engineering course instead.
Anyway good luck for your application. I really like your good intentions to help out the servers.

thank you fenken. i really appreciate that Smile accounting is really fun but stressful at the same time especially when it comes to taxation. hahaha. good luck with your engineering studies Smile
I need an accountant for my business lol
Good luck man
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