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Full Version: Falsely banned
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Name: felix
I joined using my friends account once and I keep getting banned on all of my accounts, I would be glad if you could unban me.
I used my friend's account half a year ago and I keep getting messages about being banned on my account now.
Please wait patiently for a head admin's response.
You used a bhop script to spam your jumps from the looks of it, and the console plugin is never wrong when it comes to it.
I think you didn't fully understand my response; I am not the person who got banned, I am from a different country and I do not associate with that person anymore, however, I once connected from one of the banned accounts(in possession of said user) and now I keep getting this message on my other accounts.
Donate $15 and we'll safelist an account. None of those bans will otherwise be removed.