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Pages: 1 2
Name: mamaflocka

Age: 24

Timezone: Eastern time zone UTC-5

Availability: I play everyday

Tell us something about yourself: Im a bouncer in a nightclub, i go to gym everyday and play css everyday lol.

Reason For Admin Application: I played counter strike source for a really long time so i know whats legit or not, i want to keep the servers clean from hackers. 
(Nov 20 2017, 04:55 AM)mamaflocka Wrote: [ -> ]Name: mamaflocka

Age: 24

Timezone: Eastern time zone UTC-5

Availability: I play everyday

Tell us something about yourself: Im a bouncer in a nightclub, i go to gym everyday and play css everyday lol.

Reason For Admin Application: I played counter strike source for a really long time so i know whats legit or not, i want to keep the servers clean from hackers. 

gl mate Heart
Good luck flocka.

Please be patient while we review your application. Please understand this process can sometimes take quite a long time.
Goodluck man ^_^
Good dude, active enough to make a difference.
i vote yes
(Nov 21 2017, 05:44 AM)Jesse W. Wrote: [ -> ]i vote yes

The kiss of death...
Flocka for president.
#teamflock my man
Good luck, you got my vote.
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