(Aug 23 2018, 11:45 PM)Ben- Wrote: [ -> ] (Aug 23 2018, 09:45 AM)ne7eX Wrote: [ -> ]Im not in there . woah. Im really trassh now i guess
I wouldnt say that, W-T-L is a very particular stat.
People having over 55% Win% are an extreme minority, it is not only related to skill, of course all of these are good or decent players at the very least (lowest rws is 12.96, rest is over 14.00), but the main common factor is how they influence positively their teamates (by giving tips, directions, planing, strating, etc.) or in other words "coaching" them.
Other factors to consider is that a few of these players are from Asia, they didn't have to play vs the vast majority of wl last years top50 players (88.89% to be precise, https://war-lords.net/forum/thread-17335...#pid132867 ), so some might argue that it is easier to play and win over there.
Also, it is very influenced by the RWS you have, since the higher you get in RWS, the lower combined RWS you will get for your teamates. In other words, a player could have a negative W-T-L at a certain level of RWS and a crazily positive one at a lower one.
It also doesnt control for good players who are deliberately skipping other good players, it is way easier to win vs low or medium rws players in theory, then to play vs a better or comparable player on the opposing team.
I did the research and currently, if including the oldies with stats to back it up, only 28 players are over 55 W% on wL (probably more if including pre 2014 players, but we dont have the data).
28 players out of 25 520 that ever played on wL = 0.10917868338558%
If i was to control for the things i previously mentionned, the number would be a lot lower.
The reason why they are so few is because, well, pugs are balanced extremely well. If someone performs too well, he will get worse and worse odds of winning (less good teamates then he should, in other words an handicap), until his breaking point, then he will lose some rws get easier games, then the process starts again.
In theory, everyone should be around a 1 Win 1 Loss ratio or close to 50% W or a W/L of 1, because of this system. RWS is a good balancer for individual players, it counts adr and bombs of rounds won, but it cannot control the influence a player can have on his teamates (positive or not).
TL DR : W-T-L is mainly useful to know, to see if a player has a positive or negative influence on his teamates (or none).
All this to say that, that you not having an extremely good W-T-L doesn't make you "suck".
Btw youd probably make the top50 or 100 in W-T-L overall, on a total of 25 520 players ... In other words easily in the 0.5%.
I am super curious to see a list exclusively for this past year (from jan 1 2018)
(Aug 24 2018, 12:35 AM)rookoo Wrote: [ -> ]I am super curious to see a list exclusively for this past year (from jan 1 2018)
Best i could do would be asking bison a query about only 6 months stats, (idk if its doable) and make a list with the result.
And other options would be to update the monthly leaderboard and add w-t-l, or add a section that would be a yearly leaderboard.
Something you can do right now for example, is taking your 6 month W-T-L
Wins / Total Pugs x 100 = W%
230 / 419 x 100 = 54.89260143198091%
Then compare it to the players on the list (Most Honourable Mentions are at 54i%ish)
Edit while typing it : You know what, ill try doing it right now just for the lols and because im autistic.
(Aug 24 2018, 12:58 AM)Ben- Wrote: [ -> ] (Aug 24 2018, 12:35 AM)rookoo Wrote: [ -> ]I am super curious to see a list exclusively for this past year (from jan 1 2018)
Best i could do would be asking bison a query about only 6 months stats, (idk if its doable) and make a list with the result.
And other options would be to update the monthly leaderboard and add w-t-l, or add a section that would be a yearly leaderboard.
Something you can do right now for example, is taking your 6 month W-T-L
Wins / Total Pugs x 100 = W%
230 / 419 x 100 = 54.89260143198091%
Then compare it to the players on the list (Most Honourable Mentions are at 54i%ish)
Edit while typing it : You know what, ill try doing it right now just for the lols and because im autistic.
you do it for the culture

This is the leaderboard of the monthly leaderboards !
First off the *WARNINGS*.
1-Monthly leaderboards do not consider, RPA, W-T-L, ADR or other main stats (new or old).
2-Monthly leaderboards stats are extremely heavily influenced by the amount of games played (all of them).
3-Monthly leaderboards RWS is mostly just for show, like previously mentionned, RPA isn't in use to prevent stats bumping.
4-Monthly leaderboards still show cheaters even after bans if they have enough games played (ill try to not consider these).
5-Monthly leaderboards categories like, SMG or Knives are more an indicative of trolling then anything else.
Lastly being in all those top's except in the case of RWS top5 is related to how many games you played not skills.
Records created by accident of this post will be shown in a (wL) All-time Record thread i will make in due time.
Best in "x" categories per year (Monthly)
#1 Nuke 135 (Dec)
#2 Nuke 121 (Nov)
#3 Dust2 119 (Dec)
#4 Season 116 (Dec)
#5 Dust2 107 (Nov)
#1 billnose 175 (Dec)
#2 SaucY 160 (Dec)
#3 pigeoN 153 (Dec)
#4 pigeoN 130 (Nov)
#5 Snow White 106 (Dec)
#1 iTank 19.89 (Nov)
#2 billnose 19.76 (Dec)
#3 cold 19.25 (Nov)
#4 DanEboi 18.43 (Nov)
#5 Chicken.- 18.19 (Dec)
All Weapons
#1 SaucY 5517 (Dec)
#2 pigeoN 4734 (Dec)
#3 SaucY 4044 (Nov)
#4 pigeoN 3906 (Nov)
#5 billnose 3075 (Dec)
HS Kills
#1 Saucy 2155 (Dec)
#2 pigeoN 1784 (Dec)
#3 SaucY 1652 (Nov)
#4 Duffle 1501 (Dec)
#5 pigeoN 1493 (Nov)
Rifles Kills
#1 loopz 1359 (Dec)

1357 (Dec)
#3 SaucY 1151 (Dec)
#4 Snow White 1023 (Dec)
#5 billnose 961 (Dec)
SMG Kills
#1 pigeoN 647 (Dec)
#2 Sisca 549 (Dec)
#3 Legend 506 (Dec)
#4 SaucY 465 (Dec)
#5 Cyb3r_Knight 411 (Nov)
Pistol Kills
#1 SaucY 1738 (Dec)
#2 PigeoN 1722 (Dec)
#3 PigeoN 1499 (Nov)
#4 Duffle 1373 (Dec)
#5 SaucY 1292 (Nov)
AK47 Kills

869 (Dec)
#2 SaucY 800 (Dec)
#3 loopz 734 (Dec)
#4 SaucY 637 (Nov)
#5 bm 624 (Nov)
M4a1 Kills
#1 loopz 591 (Dec)
#2 Snow White 507 (Dec)

421 (Dec)
#4 pigeoN 417 (Dec)
#5 billnose 412 (Dec)
AWP Kills
#1 SaucY 1763 (Dec)
#2 SaucY 1439 (Nov)
#3 pigeoN 1320 (Dec)
#4 pigeoN 1136 (Nov)
#5 billnose 946 (Dec)
Deagle Kills
#1 SaucY 1358 (Dec)
#2 pigeoN 1156 (Dec)
#3 Duffle 1111 (Dec)
#4 SaucY 1025 (Nov)
#5 pigeoN 918 (Nov)
Grenade Kills
#1 pigeoN 120 (Dec)
#2 pigeoN 99 (Nov)
#3 Snow White 95 (Dec)
#4 cunger09 71 (Dec)
#5 billnose 66 (Dec)
Knife Kills
#1 iTank 15 (Nov)
#2 mush 6 (Nov)
#3 therealMVP 6 (Nov)
#4 eiei 6 (Nov)
#5 mush / Trig3r1 / pigeoN 5 (Dec)
Comment : i couldnt use October numbers because they were incomplete, so i was left with 2 months to work with, next years will be more relevent.
#1 Dust2 390 (Dec)
#2 Dust2 349 (Oct)
#3 Nuke 322 (Oct)
#4 Inferno 320 (Dec)
#5 Nuke 306 (Dec)
#1 elemental 229 (Nov)
#2 Phoenix 220 (Sep)
#3 Ben- 203 (Jul)
#4 Kaki 188 (Jul)
#5 Free Zaem 169 (Dec)
#1 Phoenix 20.19 (Mar)
#2 billnose 19.81 (Jan)
#3 vinh 19.66 (Jan)
#4 vy^ 19.66 (Mar)
#5 netex 19.21 (Feb)
All Weapons
#1 elemental 8064 (Nov)
#2 elemental 6858 (Oct)
#3 Phoenix 6669 (Aug)
#4 Ben- 6050 (Jul)
#5 J0lt 4972 (Oct)
HS Kills
#1 elemental 3657 (Nov)
#2 Ben- 3640 (Jul)
#3 Phoenix 3347 (Aug)
#4 elemental 3056 (Oct)
#5 J0lt 2407 (Oct)
Rifles Kills
#1 elemental 3487 (Nov)
#2 Bad Monkey 3356 (Aug)
#3 elemental 2645 (Oct)
#4 J0lt 2392 (Oct)
#5 Lynx 2040 (Nov)
SMG Kills
#1 texas mini donkey 1043 (Oct)
#2 cReation 868 (Mar)
#3 LYNX 837 (Nov)
#4 Jesuit 780 (Jul)
#5 Pain monopoly 771 (Aug)
Pistol Kills
#1 elemental 3657 (Nov)
#2 Ben- 3640 (Jul)
#3 Phoenix 3344 (Aug)
#4 elemental 2489 (Oct)
#5 Ben- 2349 (Aug)
AK47 Kills
#1 elemental 2187 (Nov)
#2 Bad Monkey 1951 (Aug)
#3 elemental 1635 (Oct)
#4 J0lt 1450 (Oct)
#5 Lynx 1166 (Nov)
M4a1 Kills
#1 Bad Monkey 1258 (Aug)
#2 elemental 979 (Nov)
#3 Lynx 853 (Nov)
#4 elemental 841 (Oct)
#5 loopz 832 (Jan)
AWP Kills
#1 Phoenix 1917 (Aug)
#2 elemental 1441 (Nov)
#3 SaucY 1441 (Jan)
#4 bm 1369 (Jun)
#5 Kaki 1307 (Jun)
Deagle Kills
#1 Ben- 2761 (Jul)
#2 Phoenix 2440 (Aug)
#3 elemental 2106 (Nov)
#4 Ben- 2076 (Aug)
#5 elemental 1695 (Oct)
Grenade Kills
#1 Phoenix 135 (Aug)
#2 noobcali 106 (Oct)
#3 painkiller 97 (Nov)
#4 noobcali 96 (Sep)
#5 Kobe 86 (Oct)
Knife Kills
#1 J0lt 41 (Oct)
#2 2222 24 (Dec)
#3 J0lt 22 (Dec)
#4 J0lt 21 (Nov)
#5 2222 17 (Nov
Most amount of time in RWS top5
#1 loopz 7 times
#2 netex 5 times
#3 Riser 3 times
#4 Ben- 3 times
#5 Chicken 3 times
#1 Dust2 384 (Mar)
#2 Dust2 378 (May)
#3 Dust2 352 (Jan)
#4 Dust2 332 (Feb)
#5 Dust2 329 (Apr)
#1 Ghoul 207 (Apr)
#2 Kobe 155 (May)
#3 250 147 (Jun)
#4 luda 145 (Dec)
#5 Ghoul 144 (Mar)
#1 griz 22.41 (Dec)
#2 Ghoul 21.87 (Nov)
#3 loopz 21.77 (Jul)
#4 loopz 21.55 (Aug)
#5 AGR 21.41 (Nov)
All Weapons
#1 Ghoul 4740 (Apr)
#2 Megawookie 4662 (Sep)
#3 carb 4645 (Dec)
#4 dope 4643 (Oct)
#5 HyperC 4342 (Jul)
HS Kills
#1 Ghoul 2854 (Apr)
#2 Ghoul 2193 (Mar)
#3 carb 2107 (Dec)
#4 Megawookie 2098 (Sep)
#5 Megawookie 1872 (Oct)
Rifles Kills
#1 Megawookie 2466 (Sep)
#2 Megawookie 2242 (Oct)
#3 LYNX 2023 (Jun)
#4 CSomnia 1898 (Jun)
#5 yelyah 1780 (Jun)
SMG Kills
#1 Tim 1218 (Jun)
#2 Dexter 956 (Jul)
#3 LYNX 890 (Jul)
#4 LYNX 803 (Jun)
#5 DM8 770 (Jun)
Pistol Kills
#1 Ghoul 3025 (Apr)
#2 Ben- 2256 (Mar)
#3 Ghoul 2224 (Mar)
#4 Kobe 2102 (May)
#5 noobcali 1979 (Jan)
AK47 Kills
#1 Megawookie 1450 (Sep)
#2 Megawookie 1304 (Oct)
#3 HyperC 1259 (Jul)
#4 LYNX 1222 (Jun)
#5 CSomnia 1167 (Jun)
M4a1 Kills
#1 Megawookie 961 (Sep)
#2 b_goh 870 (Apr)
#3 LYNX 765 (Jun)
#4 CK 756 (Apr)
#5 Black Blood 728 (Jul)
AWP Kills
#1 dope 1771 (Oct)
#2 beahbreah 1500 (Feb)
#3 FusioN 1344 (Jan)
#4 Sn!per 1320 (Jul)
#5 Sn!per 1299 (Jun)
Deagle Kills
#1 Ghoul 2678 (Apr)
#2 Ghoul 1913 (Mar)
#3 noobcali 1700 (Jan)
#4 Ben- 1695 (Mar)
#5 Kobe 1610 (May)
Grenade Kills
#1 ludasaurus 93 (Dec)
#2 ghoul 87 (Apr)
#3 noobcali 86 (Jan)
#4 painkiller 74 (Dec)
#5 Shake Weight 72 (Sep)
Knife Kills
#1 Sn!per 27 (Jul)
#2 Jolt 24 (Jul)
#3 Dexter 16 (Jul)
#4 Jao 15 (Aug)
#5 Jolt' 14 (Jun)
#5 Creative 14 (Feb)
Most amount of time in RWS top5
#1 griz 9 times
#2 loopz 6 times
#3 Ghoul 5 times
#4 Black Blood 4 times
#5 Devious 3 times
#6 Ben- 3 times
#1 Dust2 247 (Dec)
#2 Dust2 223 (Nov)
#3 Cache 217 (Dec)
#4 Cache 206 (Nov)
#5 Dust2 202 (May)
#1 250 244 (Oct)
#2 250 220 (May)
#3 cCc 211 (Aug)
#4 Ghoul 205 (Dec)
#5 thr0wn 200 (Nov)
#1 billnose 27.43 (Oct) (when appeared twice, only counted once and averaged it)
#2 billnose 24.40 (Apr)
#3 billnose 23.68 (Jul)
#4 billnose 23.42 (Aug)
#5 billnose 22.47 (Sep)
All Weapons
#1 Ben- 7868 (Dec)
#2 Ben- 7790 (Nov)
#3 beahbreah 6919 (Mar)
#4 cCc 6431 (Aug)
#5 juke box 6118 (Mar)
HS Kills
#1 Ben- 4733 (Dec)
#2 Ben- 4277 (Nov)
#3 Ghoul 3313 (Dec)
#4 Ben- 3182 (Sep)
#5 juke box 2987 (Mar)
Rifles Kills
#1 SirSnipey 2487 (Sep)
#2 Deadie 2323 (Oct)
#3 Crazy 2093 (Oct)
#4 Nazaar 1938 (Sep)
#5 Ben- 1932 (Dec)
SMG Kills
#1 brq 1528 (Aug)
#2 cCc 1448 (Sep)
#3 LYNX 1098 (Jan)
#4 Spider 994 (Dec)
#5 moeron 969 (Nov)
Pistol Kills
#1 Ben- 4444 (Dec)
#2 Ben- 4277 (Nov)
#3 Ben- 3604 (Sep)
#4 250 3563 (Oct)
#5 Ben- 3342 (May)
AK47 Kills
#1 Deadie 1761 (Oct)
#2 SirSnipey 1710 (Sep)
#3 Deadie 1323 (Nov)
#4 Nazaar 1322 (Sep)
#5 Crazy 1320 (Oct)
M4a1 Kills
#1 Piper 806 (Oct)
#2 Crazy 761 (Oct)
#3 SirSnipey 758 (Sep)
#4 Ben- 722 (Dec)
#5 juke box 630 (Mar)
AWP Kills
#1 beahbreah 3292 (Mar)
#2 beahbreah 2491 (Feb)
#3 cCc 1895 (Aug)
#4 dope 1732 (Jan)
#5 Sn!per 1716 (Jan)
Deagle Kills
#1 Ben- 3257 (Dec)
#2 Ben- 2796 (Nov)
#3 Ghoul 2685 (Dec)
#4 Ben- 2653 (May)
#5 Kobe 2342 (Dec)
Grenade Kills
#1 powerplay 163 (Nov)
#2 Ben- 136 (Nov)
#3 Ben- 133 (Sep)
#4 Crazy 132 (Oct)
#5 Captain Black 132 (Nov)
Knife Kills
#1 Jolt 33 (Jul)
#2 cCc 23 (Sep)
#3 path 23 (Nov)
#4 c4ke 20 (Dec)
#5 Deadie (Oct)
#6 cCc 19 (Aug)
Most times in top5 RWS
#1 billnose 9 times (when appeared twice, only counted once and averaged it)
#2 griz 8 times
#3 Riser 4 times
#4 Black Blood 3 times
#5 loopz, Keys, taraN, ghoul 2 times
#1 Dust2 207 (Jan)
#2 Cache 196 (Jan)
#3 Dust2 190 (Mar)
#4 Nuke 162 (Jan)
#5 Season 159 (Jun)
#1 250 286 (Jul)
#2 Saiyan 212 (Jun)
#3 Avanti 201 (Jun)
#4 250 200 (Mar)
#5 Ben- 196 (Mar)
#1 billnose 24.48 (Jan)
#2 prey 23.68 (Jun)
#3 divedN 23.35 (Feb)
#4 billnose 22,08 (Feb)
#5 taraN 21.71 (Aug)
All Weapons
#1 Ben- 6741 (Mar)
#2 Avanti 6485 (Jun)
#3 Saiyan 5614 (Jun)
#4 Kobe 5250 (Jan)
#5 Avanti 5130 (Sep)
HS Kills
#1 Ben- 3427 (Mar)
#2 Saiyan 2943 (Jun)
#3 250 2430 (Jul)
#4 Kobe 2342 (Jan)
#5 Saiyan 2131 (Jul)
Rifles Kills
#1 Swag Caillou 2260 (Aug)
#2 Brawl Bashin Bison 1979 (Jun)
#3 loopz 1868 (Jun)
#4 Swag Caillou 1732 (Jul)
#5 Swag Caillou 1694 (Oct)
SMG Kills
#1 Saiyan 1639 (Sep)
#2 Meow 1587 (Jul)
#3 Meow 1466 (Aug)
#4 Saiyan 1451 (Aug)
#5 Meow 1425 (Oct)
Pistol Kills
#1 Ben- 3265 (Mar)
#2 Kobe 2940 (Jan)
#3 tardbus 2325 (Oct)
#4 Kobe 2257 (Aug)
#5 250 2219 (Jul)
AK47 Kills
#1 Swag Caillou 1585 (Aug)
#2 Saiyan 1443 (Jun)
#3 Brawl Bashin Bison 1431 (Jun)
#4 Swag Caillou 1278 (Oct)
#5 Inferno 1171 (Aug)
M4a1 Kills
#1 loopz 767 (Jan)
#2 Swag Caillou 658 (Aug)
#3 megafuse 625 (Jul)
#4 megafuse 554 (Aug)
#5 Swag Caillou 550 (Jul)
AWP Kills
#1 Avanti 3385 (Jun)
#2 Avanti 2794 (Feb)
#3 Avanti 2172 (Sep)
#4 Avanti 2026 (May)
#5 Avanti 2012 (Oct)
Deagle Kills
#1 Kobe 2272 (Jan)
#2 tardbus 2244 (Oct)
#3 Ben- 2242 (Mar)
#4 tardbus 1821 (Dec)
#5 tardbus 1791 (Nov)
Grenade Kills
#1 Ben- 145 (Mar)
#2 bk 114 (Jan)
#3 Crazy 105 (Feb)
#4 Crazy 91 (Mar)
#5 Crazy 87 (Apr)
Knife Kills
#1 mamaflocka 31 (Oct)
#2 2018 28 (Sep)
#3 lalala 27 (May)
#4 mamaflocka 22 (Dec)
#5 cCc 21 (Jun)
Most amount of time in top5 RWS
#1 billnose 6 times
#2 Ben- 5 times
#3 Netex 4 times
#4 loopz 4 times
#5 griz 4 times
#1 Season 148 (Jun)
#2 Strike 128 (Jun)
#3 Cache 121 (Jun)
#4 Season 120 (Jul)
#5 Season 110 (May)
#1 LeFty 214 (Apr)
#2 LeFty 199 (Mar)
#3 ksirb 189 (Jul)
#4 LeFty 187 (Feb)
#5 ksirb 185 (Aug)
#1 Ben- 21.03 (Jun)
#2 Nazaaar 19.63 (May)
#3 Juniorc4 19.60 (May)
#4 neteX 19.50 (Sep)
#5 ghoul 19.42 (Apr)
All Weapons
#1 Lefty 6308 (Mar)
#2 Lefty 5938 (Feb)
#3 Lefty 5542 (Aug)
#4 Ralpha 6711 (Aug)
#5 Ralpha 5954 (Jul)
HS Kills
#1 Ralpha 2514 (Aug)
#2 23 2457 (Jun)
#3 ksirb 2386 (Jul)
#4 ksirb 2313 (Aug)
#5 Eddie 2305 (May)
Rifles Kills
#1 23 2837 (Jun)
#2 Crusader 1883 (Jun)
#3 Ralpha 1851 (Aug)
#4 Ralpha 1760 (Jul)
#5 Eddie 1573 (May)
SMG Kills
#1 Lefty 1631 (Mar)
#2 Lefty 1414 (Apr)
#3 Rick7s 1193 (Jan)
#4 Shan 1175 (Jun)
#5 Ralpha 1021 (Aug)
Pistol Kills
#1 tardbus 2915 (
#2 tardbus 2139 (Aug)
#3 ghoul 2095 (Apr)
#4 ksirb 1866 (Jul)
#5 ksirb 1855 (Aug)
AK47 Kills
#1 23 1782 (Jun)
#2 Ralpha 1408 (Aug)
#3 Crusader 1386 (Jun)
#4 Ralpha 1273 (Jul)
#5 eddie 1138 (May)
M4a1 Kills
#1 23 1001 (Jun)
#2 Gaara 685 (Jan)
#3 Gaara 576 (Mar)
#4 ivxy 488 (Jun)
#5 sift 477 (Mar)
AWP Kills
#1 Lefty 3018 (Feb)
#2 Lefty 2506 (Jan)
#3 Lefty 2454 (Mar)
#4 Lefty 2428 (Aug)
#5 Ralpha 2321 (Aug)
Deagle Kills
#1 tardbus 2862 (Apr)
#2 tardbus 2089 (Aug)
#3 ghoul 1775 (May)
#4 tardbus 1470 (Jan)
#5 ksirb 1440 (Jul)
Grenade Kills
#1 LeFty 92 (Aug)
#2 Asphyxia 86 (Jul)
#3 ghoul 85 (Apr)
#4 sift 85 (Mar)
#5 ksirb 80 (Aug)
Knife Kills
#1 ivan 22 (Feb)
#2 ANDReW 20 (Apr)
#3 ANDReW 19 (May)
#4 mamaflocka 18 (Jan)
#5 LefFty 17 (Mar)
Most amount of times in RWS top5
#1 Netex 5 times
#2 Lefty 3 times
#2 Nazaar 3 times
#2 Ben- 3 times
#2 Ghoul 3 times
#2 Helmut 3 times
(Apr 07 2018, 09:15 PM)Ben- Wrote: [ -> ]If we compare them to the top5 RWS players it would look like the following
All Cheaters : Average of ACC 20.92 % / HSP 22.25 % / RWS 13.66
Top5 RWS Players : Average of ACC 20.80 % / HSP 18.11 % / RWS 19.04
Without low RWS : ACC 22.04% / HSP 22.50 / RWS 14.39
Top5 RWS Players : Average of ACC 20.80 % / HSP 18.11 % / RWS 19.04
Without low and im RWS : ACC 23.15 / HSP 20.44 / RWS 17.94
Top5 RWS Players : Average of ACC 20.80 % / HSP 18.11 % / RWS 19.04
How could you call me out like that?
Fuxk you can't delete your own posts