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I thought this kid quit the game and made a big stink on his way out. Now hes reapplying for admin for the 9th time?
Lord have mercy
(Feb 01 2019, 08:55 PM)tardbus Wrote: [ -> ]I thought this kid quit the game and made a big stink on his way out.  Now hes reapplying for admin for the 9th time?
Lord have mercy

I specifically have asked him to.
netex always mad at me Sad
(Feb 01 2019, 01:02 PM)Drago Wrote: [ -> ]
(Feb 01 2019, 03:09 AM)CaliSnipe Wrote: [ -> ]If people have nothing to contribute on an application,please don't post on it, thank you for your cooperation.

Since when players dont have the right to talk ?

This is an admin application and he has the right to say what he thinks about netex, not that would change anything but he has the right to express his opinion.

I consider that as contributing.


Soooo glad somebody said it before I did.^^

I have good and bad experience with Netex, but he isn't always pugging so I can't give you specific examples due to length of time that goes in between game play. My last few encounters he seemed good though, not very active on mic. I personally think for him to become an admin, he would need a longer period of active & "non-toxic" gamer playtime within the server. Come in an just play and be chill for a while. I'm not saying he is toxic, which is why I put that in quotes, but I know he can become excited and react. Overall a good player in our limited community.

Maybe with a new admin, then On God will go back to being perma-banned for his weird trigger bot/spray pattern BS! Tongue
I'm glad that a couple of people have stood up for me here. As an active user, I should have the right to post my opinion here, as should anyone else. If it was someone like Delux applying, for example, I would have posted positively in favor of him receiving admin. I severely doubt that I would have been told to keep quiet by Cali had I posted positively about Netex- especially considering Cali later admitted to telling Netex to reapply. Come on now, man. What's the point of having a Staff Application section of the forum if users aren't allowed to comment? There should be as much transparency as possible when it comes to decisions like this. Also, does anyone else find it highly suspect that Cali privately told Netex to reapply, then a week later announces his semi-goodbye? Am I missing something? Seems insane to me.

I will say I completely agree with some of the sentiments in here given by rookoo concerning Netex's desire to make these servers hacker/troll-free. I don't know if I can think of anyone more committed that isn't admin yet. In that regard, I do agree that he should be given power to ban people based off of demos. His post history is full of absolute shit, but one thing Netex gets right is his non-biased judgments of demos. I think the admins here are spectacular at this as well for the most part, but it would certainly not hurt if Netex was allowed to review demos and have some sort of say in who gets banned and who doesn't.
(Feb 06 2019, 05:53 PM)wil.son Wrote: [ -> ]I'm glad that a couple of people have stood up for me here. As an active user, I should have the right to post my opinion here, as should anyone else. If it was someone like Delux applying, for example, I would have posted positively in favor of him receiving admin. I severely doubt that I would have been told to keep quiet by Cali had I posted positively about Netex- especially considering Cali later admitted to telling Netex to reapply. Come on now, man. What's the point of having a Staff Application section of the forum if users aren't allowed to comment? There should be as much transparency as possible when it comes to decisions like this. Also, does anyone else find it highly suspect that Cali privately told Netex to reapply, then a week later announces his semi-goodbye? Am I missing something? Seems insane to me.

I will say I completely agree with some of the sentiments in here given by rookoo concerning Netex's desire to make these servers hacker/troll-free. I don't know if I can think of anyone more committed that isn't admin yet. In that regard, I do agree that he should be given power to ban people based off of demos. His post history is full of absolute shit, but one thing Netex gets right is his non-biased judgments of demos. I think the admins here are spectacular at this as well for the most part, but it would certainly not hurt if Netex was allowed to review demos and have some sort of say in who gets banned and who doesn't.

Netex is just spicy, boneless Ben
Thanks for your application Netex!
At this time we have chosen to not move forward with your application for the selection of admin and thank you very much for your patience.
I give up.
I've heard that before
Good hustle, you'll get them next time tiger.

Your the hero wL needs, just not the one they want right now...
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