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demo is my last game on nuke or his last game on nuke his profile is below

Player - https://war-lords.net/pugs/players/315465712

ign - Had3j

Report - Obvious wallhacks / aimbot / scripts

other witnesses who can confirm he is also walling - stylez , ralph , matt/mrl, tardbus,

watch the demo for your selves if you feel these clips are taken out of context. No callouts were made for 99 % of these clips due to the players on his team not having mics ( ralph - alive - him - his friend - and sony ). I would also like to point out despite his randomly bhopping around and zero game sense he never gets caught off guard by an enemy.

evidence -- 

to start it off https://gyazo.com/3baf33050d2d05fc07b1513f2747193b

gets kicked for command spamming due to his shitty scripts

doesnt check up top or heaven and instantly knows he is there - not the most convicting but later clips will prove hes wall hacking

aimbot # 1 -  https://gyazo.com/69501c18184d0a546185cbef9da7e783

aimbot # 2 and walls https://gyazo.com/033ff4ef2aabe3f0e896ad9a1a8f00e6

aimbot # 3 https://gyazo.com/61306a0745e14a081654263121a0dea3

wallhacks - https://gyazo.com/eea28e5e8b4b4a104caf3f7b72899971

walls - https://gyazo.com/6feef9975397776b74c03278d0991e4e

wallhacks https://gyazo.com/e46b5c091597040dbc460b61bcdc9887
confusing his teammate for his enemy - hes clearly new to cheating since he cant hide it well.

wallhacks - https://gyazo.com/f5a944342de7e6d10cd80ce89139fb57
normally i wouldn't include clips like this because normal players sometimes do this because they know an enemy is close but since there is so much evidence against him i am 100 % sure he knew he was behind the box.

walls - https://gyazo.com/74e39e674c334cfd6bc3b40e4590b551
https://gyazo.com/2a4e8c1e33b4abd173a053d6b5685520 - a continuation of last clip just knows im behind the box.

wallhacks - https://gyazo.com/3128a775f25afdf1f8cc20fad30fe4f4

he then wraps around and kills me but gyazo wasnt long enough to capture it all but you get the point.

walls walls walls walls walls https://gyazo.com/829c46575bf1187f4bbdc94c39c19538

bhoping doesnt look normal and im pretty sure he was crouching could be wrong on this one https://gyazo.com/83484470eb21b1433a0f0f36a00eda27

this is what made me think he was queued with his friend - the chances of him shooting a deagle and then someone coming and flashboosting afterwords is slim to none. I would also like to note this same friend was trying to do the "ladder shot " from heaven just like his cheater friend and his friend only has 1 game on WL where the cheater has 3.

most obvious clip https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZzsmryICtas

to finish it off https://gyazo.com/00f5d3a9ee177db3e83bb47489d445a0
"Alive ace" another shitty wallhacker cant even tell when someone else is blatantly cheating and he was on the same team as him.

This is all the evidence I have to offer.

Thanks for reviewing

please ban his friend as well for colluding with a cheater

Seems legit to me, maybe you should actually get good before you start accusing people. FUCKIN KIDS