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Add csgo version of mirage to the map pool? Plays a lot differently than the one we have. (keep both)
id be down
(Jan 30 2022, 01:08 AM)Moon Wrote: [ -> ]Add csgo version of mirage to the map pool? Plays a lot differently than the one we have. (keep both)

I would rather source's version of mirage seeing as we have cpl_mill and tuscan.

Orignal (trashed): https://gamebanana.com/mods/151600
mirage_rc1 bsp file: https://gamebanana.com/mods/103189
mirage_rc1 nav mesh: https://gamebanana.com/mods/34943

Or replace strike entirely, fuck B apartments.
I think this a cool idea need a new map to one deag you idiots on
I remember when san was a steady 5 rws

Then he took the h out of his name
If you want to play mirage just play csgo

cpl_strike fits the game better
Hello, Is it possible to add CS:GO's Mirage version to the map list?