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Full Version: Valve Source Update v62 [6/23/2011]
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Re: Valve Source Update [6/23/2011]

ramesh from india Wrote:i tried every patch on the net , dint work , finally went snoopin in the setti forums , asked me to register , i then register wth it , then the patch comes out , i install it , ever since tat time it stuck at my user name .. Sad

hmm i wish i could help more, but my computer is being retarded and not letting me play CS:S. i guess you could wait for David to help you out, he knows more about the nonsteam business Tongue
Re: Valve Source Update [6/23/2011]

lol rival , rofl , im saving it bro . u made my day mate

@ ferior roger that . will try uninstalling it as a last attempt. i genuinely appreciate both u and the rival fa takin the time to help me out .. thank u ,

u guys are the best
Re: Valve Source Update [6/23/2011]

Well it was worth an ask Tongue

I think the main problem seems to be that you need to re-patch from 0 to 36 after replacing your rev.ini with the clan tag one from here, and then patch again with the v37 one, then try doing the re-name thing.

EDIT : I am going patch crazy at the moment, and I have to replace my files with fresh ones after installing that v37 patch. Stuffs getting f*cked up because I am being impatient. I think it's just up to the "wait until the servers have been updated" game.
Re: Valve Source Update [6/23/2011]

Quote:Posted Today, 05:05 PM
New patch v37 released. (only few servers are updated, so don't use it if you can play with patch v36)
Name changing now works only in rev.ini file, edit "PlayerName=css.setti.info"!

Thats what b00bs said.
Re: Valve Source Update [6/23/2011]

Hmm, well the patch works fine, but i think warlords is reconfiguring its servers so nosteamers can play, i check and basically all servers except 2 have zero players.
Re: Valve Source Update [6/23/2011]

Everyone just chill out, install your v62 patches and WAIT for the server non-steam patch. valve changed some things that wont allow the current non-steam server patch to work. the revemu people are working on it as we speak, so as i said just chill out.

i may be wrong about all this but im pretty sure im right, and if i am then there is nothing you can do until the server has been patched
Re: Valve Source Update [6/23/2011]

Dr. Greenthumb Wrote:Everyone just chill out, install your v62 patches and WAIT for the server non-steam patch. valve changed some things that wont allow the current non-steam server patch to work. the revemu people are working on it as we speak, so as i said just chill out.

i may be wrong about all this but im pretty sure im right, and if i am then there is nothing you can do until the server has been patched

thats been said several times already in this thread. lol.
Re: Valve Source Update [6/23/2011]

i know and it would seem that anyone could understand what is going on here, but so many still have no clue
Re: Valve Source Update [6/23/2011]

Wierd problem here.
I can't change my name off of the default aviara.ro in my v62 patched game version, Helpz??
every time i try to change it it doesn't work and reverts back to the default.
Re: Valve Source Update [6/23/2011]

Quote:Posted Today, 05:05 PM
Name changing now works only in rev.ini file, edit "PlayerName=css.setti.info"!
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