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Full Version: Valve Source Update v62 [6/23/2011]
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Re: Valve Source Update [6/23/2011]

aww wtf!!! the patch is there but it can't connect to warlords, thats messed up, what did you guys do, go completely steam or something??
Re: Valve Source Update [6/23/2011]

xferiorrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr ,

updated to v62 but unable to connect to wl, BTW anything wrong wth server two dint gimme steam reject message just said connection failed
Re: Valve Source Update [6/23/2011]

I don't think the nonsteam patch has been installed, so you can't join even if you updated Tongue
Re: Valve Source Update [6/23/2011]

oh ok ,  Sad , thats server side right??  any eta on it mate.. :-[
Re: Valve Source Update [6/23/2011]

yea it is. Wait for more news from David, hes a lazy ass and sleeps in all day so it might take a while for him to respond lol

oh and guys stop advertising other servers lol Big Grin
Re: Valve Source Update [6/23/2011]

And in the new version am not able to change my name Sad
Re: Valve Source Update [6/23/2011]

ramesh from india Wrote:And in the new version am not able to change my name Sad

You have to edit it in the rev.ini

For this, I have used the clan tag set that has been posted on this forum here :

And you go into the rev.ini and search "name", and change it there. It's slightly annoying if you change your name often.

The v37 patch posted on the Setti forums is (AFAIK) a temporary patch so that people can play on some servers. I think that the patch might be updated once more servers have been updated. I would think that it would be the same patch architecture, but with the changes that you would have normally (being able to change name through the dev console etc).
Re: Valve Source Update [6/23/2011]

this is my rev.ini file

run me thro it bro


# CacheEnabled set to true to enable loading apps from GCF.
# If it is true, and a clientregistry.blob file is not supplied,
# then you must supply revApps.ini file with the correct cache requirements.
# See the example revApps.ini, however it is highly recommended that you use
# a clientregistry.blob file for maximum compatibility
# Default = False
CacheEnabled = false

# CachePath - set to the folder where your GCF files are located
# Default = (n/a)
CachePath = E:\Steam\SteamApps

# Language - rev emu will automagically load the correct language files.
# This can be English, French, Italian, German, Spanish, sChinese,
# Korean, Koreana, tChinese, Japanese, Russian, Thai, or Portugeuse
# revEmu will try to set the Language key in the following order:
# Use the Language key in the this rev.ini if it is present
# Use the Steam Language key in the registry if it is present
# Default the Language to English
Language = English

# Change Logging to True to enable/disable log file output for steam.dll
# Default = False

# Change SteamDll to point to your official Steam client DLL.
# This setting is required for Steam UserID Validation functions
# to support legit Steam IDs. Otherwise, all clients would get
# IDs generated from their IP addresses.
# Also make sure you uncomment the line below (remove "#")
# if you want to use this setting!
# Note that this setting only applies to games using SteamGameServer
# up to version 003. (e.g. CS: Source, Team Fortess 2, Garry's Mod)
# Default = (n/a)

# Change SteamClient to True if you want to use the steamclient emulator.
# This setting is recommended to be true for both clients \ game servers
# and for all games, except games which use SteamClient006 interface
# (e.g. CS: Source, Half-Life 2: Deathmatch)
# To see if the game is using this old interface, enable SteamClient,
# enable Logging and you will notice a log line "Using SteamClientXXX".
# If 007, leave the option ON, otherwise, it is recommended not to use it.
# Default = False
SteamClient = True

# Change SteamUser to the steam username that you wish to use with revEmu
# Defaults to revCrew if not specified
SteamUser = steamplayer


# If Logging is set to True, choose which functions would you like to log.
# Default = False


################################### NOTE ####################################
# These settings may apply even if you don't choose to use steamclient.dll! #
# Change the setting below to set your PlayerName (used in src2007 engine)
# not use ""
# Default = REVOLUTiON

# Change the setting below to enable/disable log file output for steamclient.dll
# Default = False

# Change ClientDLL to point to the original steamclient.dll
# This setting will enable VAC for your server and your server will be listed
# on Valve master server! Also, Steam clients will have their regular Steam IDs
# Please use the steamclient.dll from Steam folder!
# Default = (n/a)


# DisableUnlockedItems enables you to choose whether to use the new weapons in
# Team Fortress 2. This setting applies to you only if you are a regular player,
# or to all your clients if you are a server hoster.
# Default = False
#DisableUnlockedItems = True

# If you use in Ultimate SSDK change the setting below to True
# use only Ultimate SSDK enable else disable.
# Default = False
#EnableSDK = True

#Change the setting to set masterserver, from where serverlist will be got.
#No support Setti masterserver.....
#Default = only for HL2
#Friends tab in serverbrowser shows another masterserver for VIP server ($)
#HL1 servers
#MasterServer =
#MasterServer =
#MasterServer =
#HL2 servers
MasterServer =
#MasterServer =
#MasterServer =
#MasterServer =

#Search game version in MasterServer.
#Default search all version.

#Add rename ClanTag maximum 12 symbol UTF-8 or 24 symbol ANSI
#ex. ClanTag = revcrev


# GameServer policy rules
# Allow (v9.73 < revEmu < 9.83) clients to join your server
# Default = True

# Allow revEmu v9.63 ~ 9.73 clients to join your server
# revEmu v9.62 and below will be rejected nevertheless
# Default = True

# Allow unknown clients to join your server
# Default = True

# Allow cracked Steam clients to join your server
# Default = True

# Allow legitimate Steam clients to join your server
# Default = True

#Allowed any count connect Unknown client with one IP (25 Unknown clients 1 IP default true)
#AllowedAnyCountConnectUnknownClientWithOneIP = false

#EnableNSNetSvc = [False/UDP/TCP/BOTH]
#NSNetDedicatedPort = Ïîðò(Òîëüêî äëÿ Slave ñåðåâðîâ)
#AdditionalSlaveServer = IPTongueORT
#AdditionalSlaveServer = IPTongueORT
#AdditionalSlaveServer = IPTongueORT
#AdditionalSlaveServer = IPTongueORT
Re: Valve Source Update [6/23/2011]

yea it won't work with yours. Download our custom rev.ini that will work:

http://war-lords.net/cs-server-news/how ... am-client/

EDIT: i don't know if this will work, but you can try it first.

ramesh from india Wrote:# Change SteamUser to the steam username that you wish to use with revEmu
# Defaults to revCrew if not specified
SteamUser = steamplayer

There. Change steamplayer to your name.
Re: Valve Source Update [6/23/2011]

xFerior Wrote:yea it won't work with yours. Download our custom rev.ini that will work:

http://war-lords.net/cs-server-news/how ... am-client/

And then to change your name , you would change these bits :

Quote:################################### NOTE ####################################
# These settings may apply even if you don't choose to use steamclient.dll! #
# Change the setting below to set your PlayerName (used in src2007 engine)
# not use ""
# Default = REVOLUTiON

And for the clan tag you would change :

Quote:#Add rename ClanTag maximum 12 symbol UTF-8 or 24 symbol ANSI
#ex. ClanTag = revcrev

xFerior and I posted the same link (great minds think alike Tongue)

EDIT : Apologies for linking to other forums/servers, I will just try and find the download links from now on and not mention the other servers.

Also I am now getting a "Invalid key length" error on pretty much any server I try and join, so I think I messed up all my files or something :S Bah, just gonna have to wait more.
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