nettarw Wrote:So, how did you come by these keys? Is Blizzard providing them ro have you been given administrative access to their cd-key processing. Or have you taken complete control of the Bnet for Starcraft/Brood War?
He doesn't have access to their cd-key processing

, he just gets them from his smart way. o.o
Yeah but is this a legitimate method of getting the keys or is it some kind of illegal operation?
lol its all leagal lol dont worry hes a trust worthy guy
nettarw Wrote:Yeah but is this a legitimate method of getting the keys or is it some kind of illegal operation?
I don't know what you would mean by some sort of illegal operation, but anything I give you is perfectly legal and you can use without fear of consequence. So please enjoy your freedom from the void.

bison sounds like u just wanna get rid of ur keys lol i no wat u mean there a hassel to bad i dont have any good ones left or i would help
But you'll give away keys about to get voided, now you see, bison got Private keys!

This is great, I can't wait till I have enpugh posts lol
Yeah, I lost my cd key along with the cd case, So I lost my cd key, I'm on a muted one right now, It's a good idea to get an old game going again, because there are still a lot of people who enjoy playing this game.
im iso 1k keys for pk war bot lmk

hi u wrote too me while i was playing starcraft on that u noticed my account was voided and u could offer a valid cd key for free.
If so, then im indeed need of one.