will the copy work on mac?
great now i dont have to spend money to get a new game for starcraft
edit: merged posts, no reason to double post. - M. Bison
Yes it works for both MAC and PC.
If you guys just want to get rid of your keys in exchange for b.net accounts. count me in. Ill give one of mine away for broodwar key. i wanna be able to chat!
You don't have to give away anything, just follow the requirements and get your free key!

Yeah! For you doubters out there it works! Thx M. Bison and rest of the war-lords crew!!!!!
NP just rember to stay active on the website if not i will hunt u down and eat u while ur stll alive MUHAHAHAHAHAH
Just Kidding
thank you very much dave, much obliged for this
omg save some cd keys for me :'(
omg yes i did it !!! 15 posts!!!
edit: merged double post. - M. Bison
edit: - oops sorry, wait so i need to get 5 more posts?...
acidBeast Wrote:omg yes i did it !!! 15 posts!!!
lol nice. I'm still working on it.

I'm actually really sick of The Void. >.< And also not being able to whisper people. <-- the worst part.