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Full Version: StarCraft CD-Key Giveaway
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alright and no problem. Tongue
Hey man. I used to play starcraft a lot but stopped because I lost my cd key. I'm in college and on a bit of a budget so I can't really buy the game I already bought like 10 times in the past. I have been using a void cd key for a while and its pretty annoying. If you can hook me up that would be sweeet, I would definitely be an active member in this forum
the Forum delivers what it advertisesWink excellent downloading real bw nice  Big Grin  Big Grin  Big Grin  Smile
just got finished earlier  waiting now

[/hr]Post Merge: [time]1293987830[/time]
100% true no scam got my key today    its great and i love not being voided
i want my key! =)
Does it have to be us.battle.net or can it be eu.battle.net?
They all link up to a central battle.net server so either will work fine.
LOVING THE NON VOIDED KEY, thanks man. il let other players know if they got a voided key Tongue btw where do u get all these legit codes?
u dont need a answer just enjoy ur key SUXA
sounds like legit
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