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Full Version: "Cesc" STEAM_0:0:491182216 Hacking
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U Saw Mahone DEMO??? AND NOT CHEAT?? SO SEE THIS: http://www.mediafire.com/?7y7i6j66m437q3y
Xaniaar Wrote:U Saw Mahone DEMO??? AND NOT CHEAT?? SO SEE THIS: http://www.mediafire.com/?7y7i6j66m437q3y
[Image: durr.jpg]
As much I love to see players being enthusiastic about keeping the servers clean, this thread is about the demos provided showing the possibility that Cesc uses hacks.

Since I feel now that it should only be commented on by admins reviewing the demo, I am going to lock this thread. If you have any additional information, please PM me (or you can hit me up on Steam, Hostage) and I'll take a further look. I'll be notifying a root admin of this thread to see if this can be settled.

If you want to report another player for using hacks, please start another thread, and read the guidelines on how to report a hacker.

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