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Stop spamming Mindhacker.

Refer to http://war-lords.net/counter-strike/ran ... icseen#new to discuss rank vs skill comments.  Continue to flame/spam your posts will be removed and you have been warned to stop.

@ Assassin I moved your question because it was attached to the rant.  Rule of thumb when most non-hacking offenses is warn/kick/1-day ban.  After multiple offenses the ban lengths get bigger.

Edit:  Your spam posts are here: http://war-lords.net/grave-yard/t4549/

I'm not going to post below your accusation because you are flaming off topic.  I made a new thread for your flamefest you chose to not go there.  If you feel unjusted: http://war-lords.net/abuse-problems/ple ... e-posting/
SpartanOnLSD Wrote:
Mr.Tea Wrote:Wow.  Mindhacker hijacks the thread and points it at me.  Lets recap:

The original post a question of if you will get banned for intentional team stacking.

I told him my insight since I deal with team stacking quite often.

Your post was a questionable defense/kudos to him.  Then you are perpetually flaming other people responding to your comment.  I suggested that you don't comment on something you don't have anything to do with. 

You responded with a Flame I censored.  You continue to flame others as you hijack the thread on how awesome high ranking people on the server are.  Two of which are top5 on the server and completely disagree with you.

I would recommend just deleting all the posts up to Mindhacker's original post since it adds nothing to the forum.  If you want to start a thread debating the ranking system go for it.

Topic is: can team stacking get you banned.  Short answer is yes if you ignore admins while they are attempting to balance the map.

Thank you mR. Tea for getting everything back on track!

You know when someone has extra Powers, gets the feeling that he is NOT right, HE EVADES or ESCAPES. why? it's because that would be his only solution instead of taking back what he did or say wrong.
-That's why you deleted my last 2 posts!
No one of the last 2 post got deleted for spam. if you continue your going to get banned sir. IM trying to be polite about this but your really starting to make this hard. Plz admin Lock this topic before extra action are going to be had on him.
Re: Rank vs Skill

Assassin Wrote:
MindHACKer Wrote:Lowrate is one of the Best players in Popular Maps!!! He rule's that server, and he doesn't need to stack, in order to keep a high rank!
hes a good player but dont let the rank fool you, i saw him play and he was switching to the wining team im disappointed lowrate lol Tongue...jk

thanks man!!!!  ;D
yeah, I found war lords on april and i played EVERYDAY (except non steam updates)
аssassin: of course you will joke about this

i'm good at popular maps because my ping is low, i think that zombies server is better for people who have high pings, of course neptune will die a lot in popular, because you have only 100hp and have to be a pro to survive the attacks and neptune have like 300 ping

lazarus Wrote:This thread has taken a turn away from the point, simple answer, if the admin feels the teams are unbalanced then he will attempt to correct, if you decide to change back - and subsequently are warned then that's that. You were warned. End of story. Persist and punishment will ensue.

lazarus, then why you didn't reply that couple days ago?  :o
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