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Full Version: ROOTADMIN-Administrator app
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Name: MindHACKer on the Forums, NeptuneHACK! in game.
Steam ID: 'Secret'
Reason for Application: I noticed that it's the thing of the Hour, so i said why not  hit the jackpot, why applying to be Admin, NO, I'm more than that lol, I WANT TO BE RootAdmin-Admin, or the [glow=red,2,300]Administrator of RootAdmins[/glow] Tongue , Please notice that this Offer will expire soon, it's either take it or leave it, if you take it YOU WIN!, else YOU LOSE!.
P.S: Decide fast, i'm not that Patient.
jk lol
GL broo, hope u get it  Big Grin
Well, since this would have turned into a flame thread I have moved it here.
lmao wait till bison sees this, dude they wont make you admin and you want to be a root admin lol
well good luck with that
Hahahaha funny


jp gl
You stupid idiot, you have to be an admin 1st even before they even think of you becoming a root admin, even then it takes years as an admin to be trusted with root powers.

What a joke, go kill yourself you worthless slob.

I hope you die.
what a fail boat...go diaf...

lol/jk at the end so small like and the size of your brain.
Years? More like cash.
Bah Wrote:You stupid idiot, you have to be an admin 1st even before they even think of you becoming a root admin, even then it takes years as an admin to be trusted with root powers.

What a joke, go kill yourself you worthless slob.

I hope you die.
WTF is wrong with u? high or something!
I +9999999999999999999999 agree for you to be a Jr. Admin, but i dont think your butt is big enough to be a Root Admin. They're good as is they're the creators of wL. Maybe except i-spy.

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