Nov 13 2011, 01:17 PM
Name: Tony Hawks
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:1725693675
Age: 17
Timezone: (UTC+08:00)
Availability: I'm exceptionally free during the days between the afternoon and evening (12:40pm - 3:50pm)
About myself: I am a exceptionally good player in various types of game such as CS Source, Cod4 etc and I like to play the guitar and Compose short note musics based on what I am capable of doing at a certain extent. Likewise I love to eat bread with jams for morning breakfast and Omelette ;D
Reason for applying as Admin: I presume from my perspective and so does others of their impression of me is mostly positive. I consider myself as a responsible person during in-game game plays who is reluctant to oppose and subjected against all various types of cheats, however despite the fact that from my experience the countless number of cheaters revealed in cs source servers, I'm able to identify, observe and analyze in different situations regarding cheating and act fast to prevent persistent cheaters who are still willing to use Aim-bots, wall-hack, speed-hack, and so on. I really despise these so called hackers because during day time and sometimes night time, someone would suddenly join the war-lord server, and the next thing you will know, a talentless unprofessional player decided to use hacks dominates the games and ruins it!! Ive seen this many times but suppose the admins were not available, those are the times that makes the game more vulnerable for hackers to proceed in ruining the game. I'm the type of person who rather prefers unspoilt clean games, let alone cheaters
Last but not least, if you nominate me to become admin, I will be delighted and more than glad to assist you and join the community of anti hacking. Feel free to ask me on anything. Hopefully you can reply back ASAP. TY. 
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:1725693675
Age: 17
Timezone: (UTC+08:00)
Availability: I'm exceptionally free during the days between the afternoon and evening (12:40pm - 3:50pm)
About myself: I am a exceptionally good player in various types of game such as CS Source, Cod4 etc and I like to play the guitar and Compose short note musics based on what I am capable of doing at a certain extent. Likewise I love to eat bread with jams for morning breakfast and Omelette ;D
Reason for applying as Admin: I presume from my perspective and so does others of their impression of me is mostly positive. I consider myself as a responsible person during in-game game plays who is reluctant to oppose and subjected against all various types of cheats, however despite the fact that from my experience the countless number of cheaters revealed in cs source servers, I'm able to identify, observe and analyze in different situations regarding cheating and act fast to prevent persistent cheaters who are still willing to use Aim-bots, wall-hack, speed-hack, and so on. I really despise these so called hackers because during day time and sometimes night time, someone would suddenly join the war-lord server, and the next thing you will know, a talentless unprofessional player decided to use hacks dominates the games and ruins it!! Ive seen this many times but suppose the admins were not available, those are the times that makes the game more vulnerable for hackers to proceed in ruining the game. I'm the type of person who rather prefers unspoilt clean games, let alone cheaters