ruplayer Wrote:It's just a statement, it's not up to me anyway.
i know
but if he was easy to catch then he didnt even tryied to hide right?! blatant hacker show up and you can see people RQ and a lot of angry players :/
Hm, I agree with Loks on this one, he shouldn't get another chance. Not only the hacks, but he made a large amount of ban appeals, spamming. Lol.
Oh My God !
I know i Had Bad Mistake and u Cant Trust me Anymore !
But So Many players Already Got a Second or Third Chance !
I Don't Think i Desevred that u Speak About me Like this !
yes i was cheating and I Got Banned for that !
First Time I Said Tested that hoe hacks its working !
Here that's the First Thread :!!!/15/
i just Ask u if u can ! its possible ! if u can trust me one more time Let me play again ( just for Last Time )
i swear that never make any mistake to u and ur servers ! if i do anything wrong u can Ban me from every where either ban me from from, its ok ?
i said im sorry sir, and i Appologize for that
i dont know what can say, its up to u and your Decision !
I Hope that u can Give me the Last chance !
it's kinda sad....but it's up to the roots to decide.
july-22-11 - Loks banned you for using
Multi-hack and
Xferior Unbanned you and rebanned you to reduce your ban sentence to 1 month
expired on Aug-25-11 (
thats your second chance) you waited a month to play again but what happened?
After 5 days of your second chance,
JAssange banned you for
Wall-Hack on
Aug-30-2011 and
Bison unbanned you without Reducing your Ban sentence
as your 3rd chance.
Oct-31-2011 -
Mr. Tea Caught you for using
Wall-Hack, the ban Gap is 1 month maybe you learn to hide or we have difficulties of getting a demo that time because of css update and you took that chance? imo. Admins reviewed your case and it came out positive.
and you want another chance?
War-Lords already gave you a fair chance.
SourceBans Info
Sir i just Banned 2 Time with Demo and good Reason ( First and Last ) Another Bans just was Mistake and no Demo and no Good reason !
U Can Ask from M.Bison ?!!
Rezayaa Wrote:Sir i just Banned 2 Time with Demo and good Reason ( First and Last ) Another Bans just was Mistake and no Demo and no Good reason !
U Can Ask from M.Bison ?!!
all bans has conclusive demo
Clearly this is a big NO for his ban appeal, maybe just close this as denied and move on?
i know if i had Little chance to be forgived now with [Ex]Spy Comment i Have No chance !
i Don't know why u dont want trust me one more time ( I know that i missed my chance, But i am Very very sorry for that and Appologizing )
i dont know what to say about my feeling
i swear that i'm sorry and shame of myself
i cant speak English as well u can but my feel is like u
I am Human Like u, but i know i did big mistake
but i want to play again Css i your servers
please please Give the Last chance if u can
i dont wanne make many topic or spamming ur froum
just i Ask Root Admins say Last Judgment about my situation
i am sorry guys so sorry