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Full Version: Can u Forgive me please ???
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Can you create a song and mention all wL admins that replied to this thread, so we can see that you really wanna come back...
He's already been given several chances to play in the servers without cheating and FAILED!

He was given the chance to catch 5 cheaters to get back into the servers and FAILED!

Now you want to give him a new project? What do you think that the outcome will be?  :Smile
Yea it may not going to lead to something good, but after I asked him to write a song about all admins posted here, Jaycat posted right away lol
ruplayer Wrote:Yea it may not going to lead to something good, but after I asked him to write a song about all admins posted here, Jaycat posted right away lol

Not true. It was almost 7 hours after your post.  Tongue
=) hands down, JayCat wants to be in the song...
I Don't know now what I should do?
I think you're ridiculing me!
In any case, thank you for your love and kindness !
can i be in the song aswell please? :O, but yeah i agree with JayCat, he got a lot of chances and failed all of them =/.
Yes I know i Missed My Chances !
And I'm so Sorry for every Time  Sad
But I Just Request If U Can Please Give me one and Last chance to Play Again It will show your the forgiveness and a greatness
i will Promise to U that u never be Disappointed for Your Decision  :-\
Please Give me just one more time, i am so so sorry & Regretful  Regretful
I apologize for my Mistakes From all of you
if it is not possible to Give me one more chance, ok thank You for time to Read
what can i say anymore ?!
just Ashamed and sorry & Apologize Sad Sad Sad

I don't see this going anywhere...

Thanks Mr.Bison Thanks i Had Hope that just u can Forgive me and Give me the Last chance but ...  Sad
I Accept Your Word Cuz I Respect To U Too Much  Wink I will Never Create Thread Again ! :-\
Bye Everyone & Have Fun  Smile
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