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Full Version: Knifey Racism
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I know, not a hacker, but I didn't see any place to report rules violators. Normally I don't give a shit about people using racist terms, but this guy kept on going with it for several maps just trying to get a rise out of me. He was also repeatedly team flashing every round. Bad enough I decided I had better things to do than listen to his bullshit and left the server, so. :/

Here's just a small sample of what he was running his mouth about for at least 3 maps:
[Image: knifey_lang.jpg]

And here's his Steam ID:
[Image: knifey.jpg]

In case anyone needed to know, this was in Popular Maps #1.
i played with him once and understood that hes a complete asshole.. i told him that he would get banned but he said that he woudnt mind getting banned from a server full of niggers and gooks
[Erevanski]...    (CFC) Wrote:i played with him once and understood that hes a complete asshole.. i told him that he would get banned but he said that he woudnt mind getting banned from a server full of niggers and gooks

Yes, lot's of assholes like this piece of shit just because you are better than someone doesn't mean you are superior than them.
hope he gets banned.. oh and i think we need an admin in Zombie server.. a lot of russians talkin bullshit on the mic
Add me on Steam friends and let me know if he does it again then we will ban him for a week or so.

I just saw that he has already been banned for this so im just going to ban him again for 2 weeks.
SpartanOnLSD Wrote:Add me on Steam friends and let me know if he does it again then we will ban him for a week or so.

I just saw that he has already been banned for this so im just going to ban him again for 2 weeks.

Made permanent since he says he doesn't mind being banned from a "shit server full of go___s and nig____s."
People like him don't belong here anyways. Racist trolls deserve a permanent ban.
sounds good to me.
Thanks guys. Smile
lin3ar Wrote:Made permanent since he says he doesn't mind being banned from a "shit server full of go___s and nig____s."
People like him don't belong here anyways. Racist trolls deserve a permanent ban.

These are my favorite ones to ban.

Resolved and closed.