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Tomix <3 ♥Madelaine♥, post: 66190, member: 4756' Wrote::eek: How did i forget this? Ahem Dr. Cas Beep Beep Im a Jeep good luck.
Thanks tomix, Dr. ??? :O
s p a c e, post: 66192, member: 11204 Wrote:Good luck man.
Thx space, what happened to you? haven't seen you in a while ;o
Good luck, Cas, I sincerely hope you get it >Smile
Good luck man.
Thanks guys Smile.
Good luck to Cas.. He is a great mg admin and I think he would be great for other servers too.
Thanks Tina!
GO cas!!!
Thank youSmile.
Good luck cas noob :p
Thanks dragon pro! :p

Oh and btw, you're a noob aswell Smile, noob and pro.

Double post

Sorry for double posting but I am now applying for scrim server aswell. So yeah, just wanted to do a quick update.
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