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Good luck!

Reason: to much of troll
Minato, post: 71166, member: 15000 Wrote:Good luck!
Hey thanks Minato Smile
Tiffany <3, post: 71172, member: 14826' Wrote:-denied-

Reason: to much of troll

hahaha you're so mean :'( you're the one trolling me loll.

edit : .snoW#: O hai cas
.snoW#: Btw gl on app
.snoW#: ^^ <3
.snoW#: Ima go sleep now

Yeah, you're trolling me :p, not me trolling you, I have never trolled anyoneRolleyes
I don't support this
Bounty Clan, post: 71193, member: 15014 Wrote:I don't support this

No wonder why Rolleyes


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