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STEAM_0:1:13610387 (Pop maps#2)
i dont know if any of you know the solution but when my computer is running along time and without being shut down it causes my game to jerk heavedly, people where saying i was speed hacking but theres no damn way and i was even willing to record a demo and post it to prove it that i had nothing.
but i think they just thought i was speed hacking, i play on this server pretty much all day and everyday why out of no where would i hack in anyway blatently to get banned on a server that i know people on my friends that play?
You've gotten banned for speedhacks on other servers. This suggests you were probably cheating. I will ask Mr.Tea for a demo, but your chances don't look good.
i have never been banned from any other server for "speed hacking" where the hell are you getting this from?

Double post

the funny part is i wasnt hacking at all, i can prove it still by letting my pc overheat and going into a game and showing u shit ill even wear a "GOPRO" so u can see there is nothing on my end its something with the hardware.
Wearing a go pro to prove you aren't cheating after the fact would accomplish nothing other than looking like an idiot. What's to say you haven't altered your game files since then?
I'm not sure if this will help but you guys ought to note that he often plays with the tag 'myg0t f0rg0t' and 'myg0t' is a notorious hacking/griefing clan. When I first noticed this HighCrimes guy show up a couple weeks ago I googled myg0t and they do still exist and they do still play CS:S. Now whether or not 'myg0t f0rg0t' is related to 'myg0t' I couldn't say, but it does look rather suspicious. Why would one willingly associate themselves with those douchebags by using a tag like that if they're not one of them...
lmao noobs 101 thats use to be stunt101's server and me and him go back to po0nani server.. wich i was a fucking admin there for years and to be honest thats some old stuff if i was hacking id be vac banned hella long ago. and the [ m y g 0 t f 0 r g 0 t ] tag. is a old ass tag we use to put on when they come in our server and we'd rape them now that being years n years ago, i havent had no hacks on my shit at all , and me telling you about showing u its not hacks its my computer that overheats n does something to the graphics card that causes it to jerk i can gladly show you there are ZERO hacks and it will just randomly do that shit, and it shows everyone teleporting on my screen.

Double post

if i was hacking i wouldnt waste my time.. id just be like yeah.. and thats that but im not so its pretty stupid. and i got banned from another server cuz they tried to say the same thing. i dont hack i dont speedhack i dont aimbot i dont do shit if i did my scores be like 100-0 every day. if i was hacking i wouldnt waste my time just speed hacking id pull the works on it and use it all.. just saying. if im gonna get vac banned i would actually hack my ass off. but guess what ill never be vac'd cuz im not hacking. IF you know anything about COMPUTERS you would know WTF is wrong with MINE.
Your graphics card acting up and whatever framerate or frame skipping you get has nothing to do with what we see when specing you, so that's that. Now, even if your skipping was somehow caused by other technical problems (rates, connection, etc.), you still sometimes move too fast. What about that?
I for one can confirm that I've seen you both skipping around and running too fast. It was a while back in militia and you were playing by the name [ m y g 0 t f 0 r g 0 t ] and I was specing when you ran the whole long side of the sewers in a flash. People tried votebanning you then, which never works.
i was EVEN saying look how fast my shits moving and asking if anyone knew anything about computers that can help me fix it cuz it doesnt stop doing that until i power down for a few mins and then turn back on and it works fine.
I uploaded the demo. Honestly, I am unbanning him on my review. Someone else is more than free to reban him. BTW you have been banned in the past on other servers. Seen many hackers circumvent VAC and other more restrictive programs undetected. That is never a reason on why someone isn't cheating. However, we don't ban people here based on other servers and we ban on conclusive demos. I do not believe my demo is conclusive and believe what you are saying.

I was only in the server for maybe 20 secs and how jacked up you were moving made it initially appear as a speed hack hence the short demo. Watching the mini-map and the overheating computer makes sense because if u look at the relative speed to other icons it is negligible.

I would ask that if you play in the server and this happens again you need to disconnect. It would warrant a kick because it makes it near impossible to track as an opposing player, giving you a relative advantage. You know when your computer is shitting the bed.

From reading your chat logs, I probably wouldn't troll an admin when they are telling you not to do something. Just friendly advice.
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