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Full Version: Ban Appeal - highcrimes
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o.o weird, my laptop overheat every fking minutes, to not make it overheat, i have to play on my bed with the laptop on me, or else it overheat. It overheated atleast like 85 times, but never had any problems with it overheating such as moving faster or skipping... Like right now, my battery is really hot, but i'm not skipping or anything.. o.o
well rock windows xp, a old Asus mother board and a amd dual. and use a e geforce 9600 gt gcard and have 1 fan in ur computer and leave it on everyday and just do stupid shit on it watch movies ect n have it hot as hell in ur room or w/e it is and then try n play CS lol. im sure you'll get what i got going on.
I believe Tea handled this correctly. If I were you I would be grateful that you are unbanned. I would also turn off your computer now and then instead of warping around in a server. Next time you may be banned by someone not so forgiving.

(points at ruplayer)
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