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Hey JayCat and everyone!! Smile I'm Gray, dunno if you've seen me or not, but if you do, remember to say hi! :3

Besides that, I would really like a chance to win CS:GO. I first started playing CS1.6 on my family computer when I was like 7-8. Then my brother bought his computer and got CS:S, I would always sneak onto his computer when he wasn't home and play it all the time Wink Now I am 16 and I bought my own computer around 4 months ago, so I bought Source and have played it ever since I got it. Pretty much every time I get home from school I get on and either go on warlords or an Australian Office server Smile I've had it for a little over a month and have played over 150 hours. Which in my opinion is sad. But I love it. I went to a convention in Melbourne and they had CS:GO at a Razer booth, and I couldn't get to play it because the line was too big! hahaha! But anyway, I saw gameplay and it looked amazing. I thought I would get the game, but then I saw this competition, so I thought I'd have a chance Big Grin Playing videogames is my biggest hobby, and CS:S is the game I have most played Smile I would love the chance to try the next game in the series and enjoy it with the wL community!! Smile If I do win that would be awesome, if I don't? who cares! :p

Thanks for taking your time to read this dude! <3

- Josh (Gray) Wink

P.S. What server do you play on Jay? I'll join you some time!!

Ruplayer, wls.gameme.com/gofindmeyourself

I think I deserve this copy because 中国思想中最早论女人与小人的文字,见于《论语》阳货篇。阳货篇里记孔子说:




钻鬼怪、这么欠缺做人的原则与规格。so yeah, this is my story.

Thanks for considering.

Hey guys, my brother a fairly common player here on warlords, helps me out with cs problems, game problems and just in general problems, me and him love playing together, and he really wants CS:GO, but he doesn't have any money, and neither do I so for once I want to help him not have to bother with all this money stuff for games and everything. That's why I deserve to win, because I don't, he does. Hope I (he) wins this. Oh by the way he refuses to create an account here that's why I'm entering for him. Also, I like to review stuff, and I could review this and send out, how good it is, some bugs, some cool stuff. Please pick us.

Edit, Nvr mind I worked on a job and bought the pre purchase.

Double edit. My money was taken away. Still running
Just so everyone is clear, this copy of the game is coming from the wL community not from me. I am just the one that made the post.
I think I should win Ms. Universe because I want world peace and..... o wait.
Eternal’s Essay Response:

I thought to myself that I would go ahead and give this a shot, because it never hurts to try something. So, the question here is: Why should I be the one to win the copy of the game? My answer to this is honest and probably the same for a lot of people, I would enjoy having it, and owning it. I think it would give me a better reason to be more communicative with other people (mainly wL users, also other non wL members), seeing as we have launched the servers for it, and a lot of active wL users seem to be on it. Since I am fairly new to the Counter Strike title(s), I also think it’d be quite a different/good game to be playing, especially with people who are in the same community as me. I will honestly admit that I have not done/played any other Counter Strike game, except for Counter Strike: Source, which this community has introduced me to.

I’m not a very lucky person when it comes to these types of contests, which is why I never tend to participate in them. I can admit to being a sore loser sometimes, which seems to only bring back luck for the future, but, why not give it a shot, win or lose. I’m also not much of a competitive person when it comes to competitions like this, so I tend to not make it far with them. I know this will be a hard decision for the people(s) who are going to choose the winner, it seems like it would be a very difficult choice, having to pick one out of the total amount.

Finishing high-school two months ago has not left me open to other opportunities, seeing as finding a job is difficult and figuring what I want to do with college, seems to be even more difficult. Gaming for me is a hobby, and has been for quite the longest time in my life. It is something that I have always done if I was in need of passing time or having a good time, and the occasional rage moment. So with that all being said, all I have left to say is: I would be very grateful and very pleased to receive the game from the wL community.
Win or lose, I wish everyone who enters good luck, and hope you for the best. Thank you for the people who are allowing this to be held for the community.

My GameMe profile: http://wls.gameme.com/playerinfo/431510
(I only play the 24/7 D2 DM Server, so that’s all I can provide)

Thank you for reading.
~ Eternal

Hello ,

well , i don't mean to be mean but i want the cs:go and can't get it because they blocked all online payment method in Syria through the war we r facing ,
and i'd be thankful if u passed a steam cs:go for me <3 thanks guys and good luck all

CoMmA ,

can i be the winner i am looking for it since valve said that they will release it but i dont have enough money to buy it on steam if u could give me the beta key i would appreciate it.!

3R | Holy Shhhit!!!!!! ツ, post: 73152, member: 15101 Wrote:http://steamcommunity.com/id/chicken_stars

can i be the winner i am looking for it since valve said that they will release it but i dont have enough money to buy it on steam if u could give me the beta key i would appreciate it.!

JayCat, post: 72775, member: 2104 Wrote:Write an essay of at least 200 words telling the community why you should be the one to win this copy of the game.
It would be funny if the winner discovers his PC can't handle the game lolBig Grin
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