Tomix <3 ♥Madelaine♥, post: 73207, member: 4756' Wrote:It would be funny if the winner discovers his PC can't handle the game lol
lol, that would be a new giveaway from the winner.. lol
I was just wondering when the competition ends? :p
We just had one of our members donate another copy for this giveaway. So now there will be two winners. :eek:
Keep them coming. Don't miss your chance to get this game that will release tomorrow.
Well, here goes nothing.
I believe I should win a copy of CS:GO in this competition because I would be interested in watching CounterStrike evolve over the next couple of years. I have been playing CounterStrike for quite a while in various accounts. With this copy of CS:GO, I can continue playing Counter-Strike throughout the years. As a result, I would also be able to continue admining in various War-Lords servers. While CounterStrike hasn't been my favorite past time as of late, I'm unable to quit playing due to the community. While I have been a member for a little over a year now, I have made countless friends and I believe that with a copy of CS:GO, I will be able to continue to do so.
In addition to this, as a recent graduate from a University, I'm broke as a joke. I'm currently working 2 jobs over the summer and have been logging around 50-60 hours a week. Unfortunately the majority of this money goes back into rent, food, and my upcoming practice course. With myself paying back a great deal of loans, I'm not exactly liquid to buy much else.
I won't lie, GO isn't my idea of a continuation of the Counter-Strike franchise, but rather a divergence. However, a great deal of players on the war-lords server as well as the regulars who scrim are making the move towards CS:GO so I believe that it will become necessary for most of our regulars and players to make the move to get used to the game. I'd like to get a copy so I can move with the skill level of other players so I can develop new strategies and techniques that complement my play style. Rather than waiting to afford GO in the upcoming future, with this copy, I can play now.
Edit: Most of my spare money is going towards repairs for my computer as it currently does not work. I do play on my laptop exclusively right now, which is rather annoying after coming from a desktop.
( if my Steam AC isnt shown: )
I just want CS:GO because i love the CS Series, i was playing it since it just was a mod for half life multiplayer. I Actually had CSS and would have become the CS:GO Beta, but the damn annoying thing was, that i got hacked just like 2 times. first it was xelectrictubz, then joshplayer ( not anymore on steam cause they changed the names ). Iam so excited because i saw soooo many Gameplays about it, i was like ,,DUDE, WHY THE F**K I GOT HACKED?!?!?!?!?" Im really sad, and dont want to tell any lies just like ,,I want to give it my friend cuz he dont have the money" and shit. I would be really happy if i win, but take the right choise, peace.
I want this game because i wanna save whales and cats
Why not give it a shot...
GameMe Stats from War-Lords
So, I started playing CS 1.6 when I was almost 9, played for about 4 months then my Dad died, I got depressed, stop playing sports, which I still not doing nowadays, I also got really bad at school from the year he died (2004) up to 2009. I'm Brazilian, been living in USA for about 2 years and a half. I started playing CSS back in 2010, first game I got into was the MG server, which I played over a month on that server, I even became an admin and sadly lost my admin. I'm a CSS fan, and I'll play it more than GO(IMO) , but my friends are moving on and I don't want to fall behind. I wish you all Good Luck, specially for Comma who's living in a country under war.
Thanks for reading!
I am now running for DK so if I win, I want it to go to him.

Good luck to everyone running, I already have it xD.
Gray, post: 73779, member: 15019 Wrote:I am now running for DK so if I win, I want it to go to him. 
LoL, thanks man

. But if you win, it means you have more reasons to have than me
