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Fixed. Found one where I made everyone rage off the server LOL
I once had 2046 points on the zm server. The atix maps are so screwed up any noob like me can get 1000+pts
Mista Moop, post: 98256, member: 17022 Wrote:Fixed. Found one where I made everyone rage off the server LOL
Was it on pop maps where mic whorez are on?
[Image: sEnMGZx.jpg]
Don't mind the k/d ratio on this one. Killing spree *-*

[Image: AoQoxfp.jpg]

[Image: rSbmGEE.jpg]

[Image: dLdxPEw.jpg]
Not really a high score, but that team stackage.
Sibrox, post: 98297, member: 14065 Wrote:Was it on pop maps where mic whorez are on?
Lol- second picture down.
[Image: A8F5FF7828740A7D05DCC15AC2ADFC4DFD2E8B0F]

benefits of getting the awp on the 2nd round.
[Image: 3d9ccf894f6b94f993b2bf4c03002431.png]

What you can do when you've been in spec for the last half an hour (and have a great team Tongue )
cucubelu, post: 100011, member: 15378 Wrote:[attachment=2207]


How u du dis.
One of my first game on GO! ( Like my 4th or 5th matchmaking match )
[Image: t9fy8h.png]
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