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(Sep 08 2015, 05:10 PM)ȠAIGEL Wrote: [ -> ]
(Sep 08 2015, 02:14 PM)ryz Wrote: [ -> ]
(Sep 08 2015, 01:09 PM)ȠAIGEL Wrote: [ -> ]im bad  Wink[Image: 360CF70EB8E4A5B2CC8226E646818C33BB3CD96E]

That's pretty old, i know this cause of uMAD is in the game. lol

Old memories Sad
When the server used to be full....

Yeah, it can be as populated as that sometimes but mostly weekends, all kiddies got school.
no one beats my score.

[Image: A32121636BD40EF408873114C7876E4B9ABEF9BC]
(Sep 09 2015, 08:56 AM)Angel Wrote: [ -> ]no one beats my score.

[Image: A32121636BD40EF408873114C7876E4B9ABEF9BC]

lol @ poor Riser
Hacker nats >.>
The only score i'm impressed with is that -69.

Well played Bison, well played.
this is easy. just play a deathmatch server for a few hours and you'll have insane highscore, just blur out the death cause that's gonna be high too.
(Sep 09 2015, 08:56 AM)Angel Wrote: [ -> ]no one beats my score.

[Image: A32121636BD40EF408873114C7876E4B9ABEF9BC]

Angel doesn't have such less ping... obviously fake xD
tats a bad score when u hack : P
ez pz
Done in 20 mins flat on dd2 pub server.
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