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gotta start recording demos in pubs.

clutched aced 1 vs 11.

should have gotten that recorded.
[Image: 33559DC6945B2F679963D13C5CC891BE2871ADF0]
[Image: 2013-05-31_00003_zps1389ed1b.jpg]

[Image: 2013-05-21_00001_zps4b1a4793.jpg]
Some might even say i'm okay at this game...[Image: FB9381AA4C0730C9B445A7099E518239A126E463]
dayvie, post: 93783, member: 1852 Wrote:Some might even say i'm okay at this game...[Image: FB9381AA4C0730C9B445A7099E518239A126E463]
lol @ RoMz......he is never good as d3vaLL
[Image: DBCFF6092DA0B4F861EC48405C8E6FEB12F3ED55]
Kids were mad.
[Image: AC3312AE35E734C897E93235196AF5FD5DE36DE0]
and.. the game of my life according to happy camper(ended with 26-11)
[Image: 14E368328D858DC86E2C9994693D312D1CE01F67]
I don't understand why Happy Camper thinks he's a good player, especially when everyone hates on him.
joker8baller, post: 94443, member: 835 Wrote:I don't understand why Happy Camper thinks he's a good player, especially when everyone hates on him.
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