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Warlords Pub Crawl?!
I want to organize a pub crawl for either this Friday evening 5:00pm (PST) or Saturday afternoon 12:00pm (PST). Would anyone be interested in helping getting one together? If so, add me on steam or ping me on here and I will add you.

Let's get these servers populated again!
I would love to join but I am moving houses Friday/ Saturday more then likely. If plans change I'll be sure to join!!
I think we should do a pub crawl every Saturday. Have some sort of open event to do so . Idk how to go about that yet.. but I am brainstorming as we speak!
I'm down anytime I'm playing CS:S. Discussed similar sorts of ideas with some other people, but no one seems to know exactly how to go about doing it. Lol
"You don't choose the Soy Sauce — the Soy Sauce chooses you!"
-- John Dies at the End

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