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Wink Hi Bison.

Well, seeing as how this has been fully discussed for the most part I'd like to throw my two cents in.

  I can't speak for the other WL servers per-se, but I feel as though the Awp usage is balanced in the 24/7 office server. People complain about the fact that the Awp is undoing the balance of the game but I think it goes without saying skilled players will do that more than any weapon. I'm not against the idea of limiting the Awp to losing side only, however I don't know how much this would help in the first place, because if the team is losing generally I would attribute it to players being of lesser skill - which in turn means one of them with an awp won't mean much in the first place.  That is not however to say that this change wouldn't help at all; keep that in mind.

The only real solution I can foresee is better auto-balancing or manual auto-balancing in place to constantly keep the games somewhat even. Generally there is an admin there most of the time so it definitely helps, but even then at the end of the day I don't think you will be able to satisfy the playerbase that frequents this server just because the disparity in skill will be such a separating factor for teams and their scores.

Personally I see this as a band-aid fix to a different problem altogether, which has been said time and time again - team balancing.

anyways best of luck making a decision, see you in the office. =)
I've updated my initial post with all of my reasoning. It seems no one seems to understand what I'm saying.

http://war-lords.net/cs-suggestions/1-a ... /#msg18993
Sigh Tongue you included that last part. -.-
I did understand what you were saying in your original post, I just thought that I could add my own idea and maybe it would be better. Turns out I got torn a new one by a bunch of people, so apologies for hijacking your thread Smile

Please test it on one server first though, see how that goes. That way you can make changes and tweak it accordingly, and then we will all have super happy fun time Smile


voted yes, some people just can't play without awp, will have them learn some other weapons.
I voted for yes...but after reading SEVERAL replies, I agree with the new discussed idea.
Whatever it is ,maybe change, Im too lazy to read these all(3 pages with long average of replies Long)
M. Bison Wrote:I've updated my initial post with all of my reasoning. It seems no one seems to understand what I'm saying.

http://war-lords.net/cs-suggestions/1-a ... /#msg18993
I do understand what you're saying, a lot of my replies were based back against Rival's posts since I disagreed highly with his ideas & suggestions.

I do disagree with the fact that it will effectively rebalance teams, I doubt players will care enough to switch teams to utilize the AWP,

It might be different in the other servers, but in 1,2,4, long winning runs, as well as rolls typically tend to be done with other weapons as the M4 & AK, and done with flanking and other strategies, the AWP players a very small factor in it.

Quote:I want to make "spray and pray" a valid newbie tactic again in order to combat stacked teams. 

I guess that's where our thought processes differentiate. The spray and pray tactic is a valid newbie tactic, and hell, it's stilla tactic I use today. The point is, I burst fire you from distance with an AK from say Pit to Long A on dust 2, I'm going to win every time. Players need to learn to get better without a lot of help or they're just going to forever be bad.

My view is that good players come onto the servers because we allow the AWP, without extreme limitations. Good players tend to attract other good players as well as people who want to play with them. Lesser skilled players still have fun, but they get an intense enjoyment out of killing better players which keeps them on the server.

I'm going to use Loks as an example, no offense Loks. But Loks used to be just a regular player, <1.0 KDR and he just ran out around shooting people. Not that he's been playing a lot more, especially scrimming with others, he's completely turned around and his skill level has increased significantly. I just believe there will be better ways to team balance without putting further limitations on the server.
I voted No.

Because I can't use any other weapons.

I think we need a different topic if we are going to start discussing the general concept of team balancing.  Let's just stick to the updated original post (and directly related) from now on. Smile
Still unswayed.  Vote strongly No. 

Team balance because one person uses an AWP doesn't make sense.  So, the other 19players on the team stacked it because they wanted to awp?  And they don't switch teams because they don't want to get killed by the better awper?  Trying to follow the logic.  Look at any italy/aztec/dust map that is stacked.  Top 5 players on winning team have a ridiculous score usually only one of them has an awp.  Most of the time I'm not killed by an AWP on these map its by an AK/M4.

ruplayer Wrote:voted yes, some people just can't play without awp, will have them learn some other weapons.

Most people that awp well can use other weapons. 

M. Bison Wrote:I've updated my initial post with all of my reasoning. It seems no one seems to understand what I'm saying.

http://war-lords.net/cs-suggestions/1-a ... /#msg18993

Nada 2 awp to the losing team would encourage more switching.

Still think the issue is team balancing and money to the losing team after losing 3 rnds consistently. 

My favorite server a few years ago had no awp restriction, block on, and FF on.  Functioned very well, had good players (40ppl map too), and wasn't just giant awp wars.  They had auto team balance and 4k to the losing team after 3 consecutive rounds. 
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