Jul 31 2011, 11:32 PM
The idea is quite simple: one awp and only for the losing team or for when both teams' scores are even.
For those who still don't get the point of this, hopefully this will clear it up.
If that still doesn't clear up your misconceptions of my idea, then let's hope this short and brief summary below will do so:
I want to make "spray and pray" a valid newbie tactic again in order to combat stacked teams.
If we are to implement such a plugin, it would tell you at the start of the round whether an awp is available for purchase or not. Also, when someone buys the awp, it'll then say that none are available and further state who bought it (only to buyers team).
Good idea, yes, no? Leave reasoning and what you voted in a reply or your vote will be disregarded.
Bison's_Reasoning Wrote:My reasoning behind the “FOR 1 AWP for losing team ONLY” idea:
[list type=decimal]
[*]We’ve got issues relating to camping and stacked teams / unbalanced teams.
[*]People complain and try to circumvent attempts to balance teams by admins.
[*]The AWP will be an incentive for skilled players to willfully switch to a losing team.
[*]The losing team doesn't have the finances to maintain an AWP war.
[*]The AWP is a long range one-hit kill weapon which when used by moderately good players, cannot be defeated without decent strategy or results in massive casualties.
[*]The losing team tends to be severely disorganized.
[*]The losing team normally consists of random people who decide to try the hero tactic and rush by themselves.
[*]Even some of the worst players can make an overall difference by inflicting some damage prior to dying.
[*]Terrible players normally spray and pray which renders them unable to hit and thus inflict damage to distance targets.
[*]The losing team normally doesn't have the organization to take out an AWPer (they rush one by one and tend to die before inflicting any damage).
[*]A moderately good AWPer can in most cases successfully AWP even hard to kill targets.
[*]The stacked team tends to be the one which camps CT-T sided maps, the AWP is typically used when camping.
My reasons not behind the “FOR 1 AWP for losing team ONLY” idea but for some reason still interpreted as such:
[list type=decimal]
[*]The AWP will effectively make bad gamers play better.
[*]The AWP effectively decides which team wins.
to be continued...
For those who still don't get the point of this, hopefully this will clear it up.
STEAM Wrote:Nada [:: My point is just, people can do the same amount of daamge with an ak/m4 or even a scout. Some people roll the other team with just an ak.
Because the losing team is normally the rushing team. Then a rifle would be better than an awp. Having an awp would just acknowledge camping rather than doing objectives
You have to take into consideration other circumstances, rather than a long hallway where awps will certainly be dominant. Like tunnels, a good person with an ak can
roll the whole team inside. If that good person got an awp and tried rushing, then no. So my point is, a skilled person can do as much damage with an ak/m4 than an awp
They lose the ability to awp? who cares, they can still ak/m4 and own the other teams.
In addition, the switching will be bottlenecked a bit, I think. Because of the teamlimit. You should just change mp_teamlimit to 2 for the people on the winning team
to be able to switch to the losing team. So one guy loses the ability to awp. however, the other team is still full. Oh well, that guy gets an ak/m4 and starts owning with it
A new spot arises, but he doesnt go. Afterall, he's owning the other team with it.
Nada [:: The best solution imo, would just be a team balance of some sort
Nada [:: and a clarification that TEAM BALANCING YOU is NOT admin abuse.
General M. Bison: lol
General M. Bison: that's where our thought processes seperate
General M. Bison: i'm not saying good players don't do about the same amount of damage
General M. Bison: what i'm trying to say is that
General M. Bison: every hit a newb manages to gain on a player
General M. Bison: further increases the chances that the player will die randomly from a nade or something
General M. Bison: something like that could quite easily change the tide of battle
General M. Bison: the problem is these bad players can't hit distant targets at all
General M. Bison: they'll never be useful at all
General M. Bison: against an awper atleast
General M. Bison: while against an m4 or ak
General M. Bison: they might hit something
Nada [:: Okay, I see now.
Nada [:: I'm not sure you will agree
Nada [:: However!
Nada [:: In addition to having the awp restricted for the winning team
Nada [:: HAve, instead of 1 awp, 2 awps available
Nada [:: For the losing team.
General M. Bison: that was an another option
General M. Bison: if scores are even
General M. Bison: entirely remove awp limit
Nada [:: Exactly.
Nada [::
General M. Bison: if it falls
General M. Bison: induce limiting
General M. Bison: then totally restrict
General M. Bison: do you think if i posted our convo
General M. Bison: it might clear up peoples understanding of what i'm trying to do?
Nada [:: Yup.
Nada [:: Keep in mind i'm 15, still only a child.
Nada [::
General M. Bison: pfft, based on their replies
General M. Bison: i can tell they couldn't understand what i was saying
General M. Bison: i just couldn't put it into clear words
If that still doesn't clear up your misconceptions of my idea, then let's hope this short and brief summary below will do so:
I want to make "spray and pray" a valid newbie tactic again in order to combat stacked teams.

If we are to implement such a plugin, it would tell you at the start of the round whether an awp is available for purchase or not. Also, when someone buys the awp, it'll then say that none are available and further state who bought it (only to buyers team).
Good idea, yes, no? Leave reasoning and what you voted in a reply or your vote will be disregarded.