(Dec 15 2016, 10:19 PM)Vorpal Wrote: [ -> ] (Dec 15 2016, 10:16 PM)RealRecklezz Wrote: [ -> ] (Dec 15 2016, 10:13 PM)Vorpal Wrote: [ -> ] (Dec 15 2016, 09:53 PM)RealRecklezz Wrote: [ -> ] (Dec 15 2016, 09:40 PM)vivixxcore Wrote: [ -> ]Can we start a vote on the forms on if this troll can be banned from the servers ?
I have seen nothing but super trolling from this kid everytime i play with him. just yesterday on tuscan he started knifing me in the back while i was trying to awp people and blocking me. hes a bigger troll then junior4 and thats saying alot
I'm pretty sure I was knifing u in the back at spawn and as we left from spawn on tuscan, so If youre gonna complain about the first 15 seconds of a round, I cant stop you but it makes your argument seem that much more ridiculous.
Look man, trolling is fine. It can be funny, and add some fresh enjoyment every once in a while. However, there's a point where you need to take a step back and ask yourself if you're going to far. There's sometimes you can be funny, but your "trolling" pushes things a bit to far sometimes. Take a step back and maybe you'll be more liked in the community.
I like that you take a step back from the original claims being made here when you finally realize how ridiculous it sounds to complain about getting knifed 10 to 15 sec into the round. Mind you, there was no friendly fire
Are you delusional? I never made original claims.
Anyways, knifing people 10-15 seconds into the round is a problem if you're looking at the game from a team-play perspective. You should be holding your spot, pre-smoking things, etc... rather than jerking it knifing someone in the back. Friendly-fire or not, if a rush were to come you're hindering the player you're knifing's movement to fall back in a direct manner and you're out of position.
I ment 10 15 sec cuz i was including the buy timer which is like 10 15 sec and I also didnt say u made the claims I said claims being made here, of which I was talking about someone else. Regardless, when in the round I play, I would never follow someone to knife them, You can call me a troll all you guys want, but I will never waste time in playable rounds to touch other players. I legit lold when I read vivi comment. I think he might be the new meme master.
You can move around during buy timer?
(Dec 15 2016, 11:05 PM)Dragon Wrote: [ -> ]You can move around during buy timer?
Been moving since 09.
On a real note: I was just making up numbers but I only knife as we leave spawn, I dont follow to knife, thats pussy shit
(Dec 15 2016, 06:10 AM)Piper Wrote: [ -> ]Dear spoiled 13 year old from some where in the united states.. Youre an idiot. I out frag and out play you almost everytime we play together. I also have RA an autoimmunes disease that cripples my hands and when I have a very bad day I dont play so great but i really enjoy it anyway when I can have little faggots like you muted. By the way stop doing what ever it is you do to unmute me in game im tired of hearing your whining queer little voice....
Piper <3
I'm going to answer this completely honestly (aka I'm NOT trolling you).
"Spoiled 13 year old" - I'm 21 and definitely not spoiled, I get my money my own way, even though I dont maintain a job, I found it easier to do other things (not illegal) to obtain my money. As for school, I go to college for free. Free college was easy to get considering I go to a shit school, aka FSU.
"You're an idiot" - Naw, dont think so.
"I out frag you..." - You unmute me to brag about you're score only when you manage to get a higher score than me, which is mostly by subbing for someone that was doing alright and then add a couple kills to a stacked team. I unmute you to listen to your shit calls, which end up not being so good and it reminds me of how bad you really are and then you do the favor of muting me again. Thanks
"I also have RA an autoimmunes disease..." - If you really have this, I recommend not playing videogames, I would never enjoy doing something that I can never do well because of a problem. Thats like a wheelchair bound kid trying to play basket ball with normal people.
"Stop doing whatever..." - Dont worry after the last time I did it to hear some calls, you proved to not even be useful at that so I wont be doing this.
My comments - If you have a problem that makes it difficult to play, Dont play. despite everyone else, I will not like you on my team, you never get frags with anything other than an AWP and a deagle on people that were already lit. As far as bad players go, I would like spider on my team more than you, I prefer spider because he is now finally taking the advice of trying to get better, and Ive seen some improvement since I last bashed him verbally and he is learning to let the insults just fly past him rather than trying to address the insult.
Not so best regards,
(Dec 15 2016, 06:31 AM)Ben- Wrote: [ -> ]I admire you for being the most toxic bag of shit ever shitted by the "human" " kind".
Thanks, babe. (I use "shat" instead of "shitted" for past tense of shit)
(Dec 15 2016, 06:48 AM)Edward Wrote: [ -> ]This kid...... Where do i even begin. You obviously like getting a rise out of anyone and everyone its apparent every time you're around. This has got to be the most tasteless post i've ever wasted my time reading; and as Calisnipe said i also have lost the last bit of respect i could have possibly had for you. To me Spider and Piper although not being fantastic are incredibly more valuable to the community than your drunk stupid ass.
I dont know what to say. Thanks? Dont worry ill add some spice next time so that maybe the taste comes out more.
(Dec 15 2016, 10:16 AM)QueenCrazy Wrote: [ -> ]Get gud before you talk shit on others please ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡° )
Ok... done. Despite my drinking, I still have better stats than those I'm criticizing and you still haven't seen me back in 09.