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I just hope you didnt make this for autos too
ALING KURING SARI SARI STORE, post: 70356, member: 1732 Wrote:No, you'll just have to wait for a turn or two to awp again. besides, other teammates can awp as well depending on the circumstance. This is just to increase the chance of every one using AWP.
No need for a force multiplier then.

Quote:Well the last two suggestions have been really good: pop maps 3 + awp, and the *force-buy idea.
Disagree, maybe for you, but I don't like it.

Quote:It's not crap, it's a fact evidenced by logic. But if that's the same to you.
It is in my eyes. I don't have trouble getting the AWP, even without a bind, and I see plenty of different people with the AWP.

Quote:That's like saying that only the fastest person out of 10 people to run 1 km gets to eat dinner. Didn't get dinner? Run faster.
Goes back to my statement of get better and stop catering to noobs. This is a game where people have an advantage because they play better. If you can't buy quickly, then that sucks. What's next? Oh god, his reaction time is a second better, let's give him an intentional lag of a second!

Quote:Well, tell me what's wrong with bison's new *force-buy idea?
It still limits players of using the gun. Take Pop Maps 40/40. 20 players on a team, and hell let's figure 3 AWP's per side. That's 6 rounds before someone will get the AWP again... with the timelimit there is, a person would only be able to awp once. Still a harsh limitation on a person.

Quote:One of the most important things in the game is not being able to make awp binds and spam them before anyone else can. That's just absurd.
Then get rid of limitations, oh wait we can't, because it will kill the server population. However, one of the most important things is to be able to buy fast, and know your buys. This merely helps people buy faster. A point everyone is overlooking, and Mr. Tea and I keep pointing out... Everyone already has pre-set binds for the AWP. Hell, I'm apparently able to beat everyone else by doing my buy commands. Then this goes back to my belief, that if you can't buy fast enough, get better.

Quote:I don't want more limitations lol. Completely not the point. Just want to spread out the awp usage more evenly between the people who want to awp.
That's our disconnect, I don't see this problem of people not being able to buy it. It's not hard. I'm sorry if idiots take 4-5 seconds to buy the AWP, that's not my problem. Learn to buy faster, learn to budget efficiently, learn when to save... there are so many techniques out there that will help you become a better player.

Quote:And why is that? Actually, haven't you just contradicted yourself with: "We don't need to cater to noobs, we'll just prevent them from getting better", and: "Let the game be played it was meant to be"?
Unfortunately, with the idiots running around servers, a FFA with AWP's have never worked, and has always worked to kill a server's regular population. Which is why the 1 AWP per team limitation has remain the game standard for a very long time. It's a necessary prevention so that people don't rage. I wouldn't have a problem with it, but a lot of others do.

Quote:I've been playing css since it came out, and it wasn't the standard in Aus. It was also a lot better as it was in Aus.
I've also been playing CS:S since it came out, and it was the standard in all servers I have played on. I played Condition Zero, nearly from it's start and it was there, and I've played CS since 1.2-1.3, and it was also the standard. It's a good standard. It works, it's fair, and it hasn't changed because of this fact.

Quote:That's not necessarily true.
I'd argue it is. Since the guns have changed, the style of play has changed, and the competitiveness of the game has increased, if this was unnecessarily harsh or unfair to players then I believe the community would have changed the standard.

Quote:Ok, so let me get this straight. The least unrestrictive setting is the one in which there is a restriction of awps to 1-2 per team, with the fastest, and probably same few players obtaining the awp virtually every time. Sounds very unrestrictive indeed.
Yes. You may not believe it, but it is. Everyone has an equal chance of getting the gun, and they can compete for it every time.

Quote:I don't give a crap if certain people use the awp a lot. I just want to be able to use the awp myself, and a decent amount of times.
Then buy it. I hardly use the AWP, but after talking with Bison, I bought the awp nearly every time without a bind.

Quote:First, I'm not a kid.
Second, "just get better" is an irrelevant nonsense reply. Just like if someone shot you in the foot and said "just get better". Getting better at the game isn't going to make you magically have the awp when you want to buy it. It does not logically follow.
Third, I don't want to use the scout, the scout is not an awp. If I want to use the scout, I'll buy one.
First, not all of my replies are directed to you.
Second, it does. If you're going to get better at the game, you're going to know how to buy faster, have your buy commands memorized, maybe make some custom pre-set binds on your keyboard (Hell I don't even do that), or get acknowledged by other players to be given a free AWP. It does logically follow.
Third: Then buy the awp.

It comes back to this, we don't NEED to cater to every demand from everyone. Especially to make the game easier of fairer to newer players. Take your time, pay your dues, learn the skill curve. If you're still having trouble buying the AWP on a consistent basis... I don't know what to tell you. With my apparently low AWP percentage that Bison told me, 6%? I still never have trouble.

Mentioned this in a scrim. People laughed, said it was stupid. Jokingly, they suggested the P90 be limited as well. Where does it end? How much are we going to gimp this game? Go limit that while you're at it, make the game more fair, so that everyone has an equal chance of not being rando'ed across the map.
Sweet Moses, how much time does it take to post like that, with the quote system being fucked up.

Anyways, what I'd like to see is pop maps 3 with no restrictions. Hopefully it gets populated, by people who like the awp ingame. With a bit of luck not too populated so that it isn't one big lerpspam of 40 people emptying their clip 20 seconds after the rounds starts and then dying. I can only hope.
Quote:Goes back to my statement of get better and stop catering to noobs. This is a game where people have an advantage because they play better. If you can't buy quickly, then that sucks. What's next? Oh god, his reaction time is a second better, let's give him an intentional lag of a second!
He is right.
Quote:Yes. You may not believe it, but it is. Everyone has an equal chance of getting the gun, and they can compete for it every time.
It isnt that hard to get the awp and it seems to me that some people are just lazy and want an awp to magically appear in there hands at the start of each round. It is not hard at all to get the awp (in pop servers)it has rarely taken more then one round to get an awp and a lot of the time I don't even have money for the damn thing. Its as simple as 3 fingers to buy the damn thing like any other weapon you dont have to use a bind as Joker said.
Let me tell you a cool story.....back in 1.5 when I first started playing I was getting my ass rushed by a reg in the server every round and I was getting so frustrated day in and day out....so I went and did some research and found out you can bind weapons, kevlar and ammo to one button...omg I shit myself I was the fastest nubbiest guy to leave spawn ever.
My point is try to get better instead of trying to change the game or server around you.Adjust, adapt and over come. Quit looking for some one to hold your hand it isnt going to help you get better and I say that with the up most respect. Everyone is new some time. (thats kinda based towards anyone who says they have a problem buying the gun)
I'm a rusher at heart but I like to camp as the map allows me to I also like to use the awp but this whole I cant ever buy it cause I'm to slow excuse is B.S. get better.
Hi Silly,

you always going spurting to logic, pish posh pretentious comment here and there. By saying someone's comments aren't logical doesn't mean they aren't. My need a hug comment is a poke at the Generation Y'er traits you always xmit in your posts.

I get the AWP 50% of the time because I try to get it. I either am able to buy it or pay attention to the AWPer when they die. If I am alive I attempt to pick it up. Many times flashing, smoking, and hopping to try to get while under fire. I'm pretty sure you don't. I am not an AWP hoarder. If someone asks me for a turn I deliberately don't buy it. Keep in mind, crying, complaining and saying "you suck with it." Isn't asking. I was just offered the AWP from someone just standing there when I was just online. I was chatting in steam and look up and a player was flashing there light and throwing it at me. I said no thanks man have a shot at it. This is a daily occurrence.

When I'm dead I watch to see if the AWPer dies and if a teammate picks one up. If they don't I try to buy it. If they do, boo hoo, I go on playing. When I have the AWP on the winning team I can hold it for a round or so. Most people don't play the close attention to when an AWPer dies at the end of the round on the winning team. That makes it ridiculously easy for me to rebuy. This doesn't hurt my case.

It shows that I try...something a generation of kids miss. You want everything handed to you when its hard and make things "fair," i.e. easier for you. "You want an even disbursement of the AWP." No, you want the ability to buy the AWP when you want it. Don't give me that, oh there is an AWP monopoly, the 1% is taking advantage of 99%, lower taxes, hug a tree, blah blah blah. exhibit A
Quote:I don't give a crap if certain people use the awp a lot. I just want to be able to use the awp myself, and a decent amount of times.

The reducing time rule wasn't a good idea. When you get into the real world and have a job environment where the Good Idea Fairy comes in and are wondering why you are staying past 2000 every night to fix something that wasn't broken you might understand. It doesn't matter how good someone thinks an idea is, if its not practical and its not....good. Many ideas sound good, but are in fact horrible ideas. During execution is when this is usually discovered and it is disastrous. You listen to your experienced coworkers and head there advice.

Quote:That's like saying that only the fastest person out of 10 people to run 1 km gets to eat dinner. Didn't get dinner? Run faster.
Has nothing to do with getting faster at buying the AWP. An exaggerated analogy that talks about to drastically unrelated things.

Quote:Other people's awp buying experiences are, on average, much less productive than yours. How is that not clear already?
The point you can't get is that you(them) aren't even trying. 40days of play time on POP (5 day on office) and I don't have an issue with buying an AWP. Joker has ~24 days on pop maps playing time no issue. You have ~4days? Poor baby. Did you have a problem getting an AWP on snipers/D2 Deathmatch? Probably not since you don't have to try because its given to you.

Quote:And why is that? Actually, haven't you just contradicted yourself with: "We don't need to cater to noobs, we'll just prevent them from getting better", and: "Let the game be played it was meant to be"?
No, he hasn't you have taken things out of context.

Quote:One of the most important things in the game is not being able to make awp binds and spam them before anyone else can. That's just absurd.
You are clueless dude. Type B next time you play, on the right side of screen you have 4 hotkeyed buyouts. For example, "S" is Deag Armor, "D" is AWP, ARmor, Full Nade, "F" Full Nade, "S" Full P90 kit or you can press "A" to autobuy. We are not referencing "binding" via console when I or he says we have no problem buying an AWP that way. I've tested it deliberately (i.e. only tried to buy the AWP full kit, NADE DEAG~$7950 on mostly losing team) recently and had no issues on 24/7 office server with ~30ppl playing. I had a lot of save rounds and that reaps rewards in the long run on any map.

Quote:Ok, so let me get this straight. The least unrestrictive setting is the one in which there is a restriction of awps to 1-2 per team, with the fastest, and probably same few players obtaining the awp virtually every time. Sounds very unrestrictive indeed.
Sounds pretty sarcastic and QQ indeed. I get the AWP the most time because my gameplay is directed that way. At any given time I could tell you the AWPers playing and they usually end up with an AWP at some point because they are trying to get the AWP while playing the game.

Some of them are rude and pretentious:
ΞβετλΞ Yeah... Whatever...
Quote:29 Jul 2012 13:00:51 no... why does a noob, have a noobs awp, that really belogns to me (wL) 24/7 Office :: WAR-LORDS.NET
Quote:31 Jul 2012 01:17:16 give me awp (wL) 24/7 Office :: WAR-LORDS.NET

Quote:First, I'm not a kid.
Second, "just get better" is an irrelevant nonsense reply. Just like if someone shot you in the foot and said "just get better". Getting better at the game isn't going to make you magically have the awp when you want to buy it. It does not logically follow.
Third, I don't want to use the scout, the scout is not an awp. If I want to use the scout, I'll buy one.
First, you are a kid. You'll take this personal, but I was jumping out planes when you were 12 and at war before you hit adulthood.
Second, if someone shot you in foot you would probably have an extra incentive to get better and probably would. When people were shooting at me I acted a lot quicker and tried harder to kill them.
Third...Buy the AWP, join the losing team, doing a couple save rounds, have a little patience.
I suddenly hate reading the forums for some reason.

Anyway just to clear things up, buying an awp with the old plugin was NOT impossible.

M. Bison, post: 70391, member: 359 Wrote:The awp limit already varies from 0-2 based on population count. Additionally, ct on italy, assault, and militia get 2x current awp limit (meaning up to 4).

Bison is just trying to improve the system to allow everyone an easier chance to buy an awp, while not making the server an awpfest.
Spartacus, post: 70446, member: 1060 Wrote:I suddenly hate reading the forums for some reason.

Spartacus, post: 70446, member: 1060 Wrote:Anyway just to clear things up, buying an awp with the old plugin was NOT impossible.
True, I was ALWAYS able to get an AWP when I wanted to. But the thing is, NOOBS want to go on steam chat/ take a piss/ go on phone/ send a text message, then come back and try to get an AWP. After a time they get pissed and start complaining "WHO THE F*CK TOOK MY AWP? DUDE, IT'S MINE!!!!" and decide come here and suggest it to be basically an AWP FREE server, all about noobness.

Spartacus, post: 70446, member: 1060 Wrote:Bison is just trying to improve the system to allow everyone an easier chance to buy an awp, while not making the server an awpfest.
If you know the binds, be quick or get a bind for it, what are they wanting for? 15 secs after the round starts get the AWP? C'mon now..
Mr.Tea, post: 70438, member: 1006 Wrote:No, you want the ability to buy the AWP when you want it.
We're talking about a onetime freebie purchase. I don't see why you guys have such reservations about it. It's not like half the server population is suddenly going to use the command whenever possible. They won't even know the command exists unless they try to buy an awp while it's restricted. This alone shows their interest for purchasing and using an awp. I suspect most newbie players wouldn't dare purchase an awp due to their inability to use it. If they did, they'd ruin their already bad kdr and probably rage quit. The people who are likely to use the command are fellow awpers and not particularly the newbie variety. o_O

Mr.Tea, post: 70438, member: 1006 Wrote:I was just offered the AWP from someone just standing there when I was just online. I was chatting in steam and look up and a player was flashing there light and throwing it at me. I said no thanks man have a shot at it. This is a daily occurrence.
This indirectly supports several of my earlier points suggested in the other thread.

DK, post: 70646, member: 3039 Wrote:+1

True, I was ALWAYS able to get an AWP when I wanted to. But the thing is, NOOBS want to go on steam chat/ take a piss/ go on phone/ send a text message, then come back and try to get an AWP. After a time they get pissed and start complaining "WHO THE F*CK TOOK MY AWP? DUDE, IT'S MINE!!!!" and decide come here and suggest it to be basically an AWP FREE server, all about noobness.

If you know the binds, be quick or get a bind for it, what are they wanting for? 15 secs after the round starts get the AWP? C'mon now..
I'm going to be dead honest, but I have absolutely no idea what you're talking about. Nowhere in the latest posts was anyone proposing any tightened awp limitations.

The amount of awps allowed in a round wasn't going to be changed under the proposed modifications. Your comment about 15 seconds into the round doesn't make sense. The force buy command takes place on the next round and is subject to awp limitations. To reiterate, if you used your force buy at any time in a round, it wouldn't do anything until the next round. Additionally, no one is having their awp taken from them on round_start. The force buy command simply purchases an awp while it's available, before someone else manages to purchase it. I suppose the term auto-buy would be more descriptive of its function.

The only other change is additional notifications. These notifications will be added regardless of whether the force buy/auto-buy command is implemented.
Seems like the main reason it was changed was for noobs or slow players who can get awp or just suck with it.
Most new players love the AWP, buy it and completely suck with it.

We're against it, because we want to buy the AWP when we have the AWP, it's bad enough we can't all buy it, so saying that people need a safety net to get the AWP is crap. Just buy faster, it's not hard, it's part of the game, and more importantly part of the learning process. We don't see the need to give everyone a free buy, it's not hard to get one already. Changing the system will make it harder to get an AWP, and it's no longer based on skill. Theoretically, you may never have the chance to buy the AWP more than once a round, which just crimps certain play styles.

Quote:I was just offered the AWP from someone just standing there when I was just online. I was chatting in steam and look up and a player was flashing there light and throwing it at me. I said no thanks man have a shot at it. This is a daily occurrence.
And I guarantee that for everyone 1-2 people of this, there are even more than that believing that noobs shouldn't have awps, and a superiority complex. People like this are rare in CS:S, and hell, rare in Internet gaming.

While you may not think the polls are accurate, I believe that they are. I asked many players in the scrim servers what they thought of a rule and they all disliked it. It's not popular on the forums, save for a small group, and a lot of our older members/experienced members have stated that they generally stray away from servers that place this kind of limitation or worse limitations.

I remain very against this idea, and I would very much dislike any sort of implementation enacted, for the previous reasons I have stated.
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