M. Bison, post: 69924, member: 359 Wrote:I'm going to have to think about the voucher system for a while in order to think out all the variables and factors. So I'm willing to give simpler restrictions which may work a try as I continue to think about the voucher system. What do you have in mind Mr. Tea? Do you want to try the old system but changed so that users can't purchase on the round after death/purchase or instead get reset money? Or what exactly? The old system is kind of silly because users who bind "buy awp" have a considerate advantage over users who try using the menu. I suppose not allowing them to purchase right after sort of remedies that by giving other players a chance. The old system seems like one which has been heavily abused by a select few. At this point, it basically limits only those who are unfamiliar with binds. :confused:
If the problem is only a few can buy an AWP...
Again make it so everyone may override 1 AWP per team restriction once. Every casual AWPer could AWP that one time because they get so frustrated that they can't (which is a load of shit BTW). I've mentioned this 6 or more times now, but certain trolling and other comments it keeps getting ignored and overlooked.
The complaint is that players use magical binds to buy weapons quicker. You could always have messages SPAM in global chat giving people tips/lessons. Educate players and those who want to AWP fight will have a fair fight. It takes less than 6 secs to write a bind. If people are too lazy to bind I really don't see why we need to incorporate a confusing code of reward/punishment to help the lazy player. Most likely they will end up buying p90s and running around aimlessly firing. Regardless, 1x override of AWP restriction does this.
It could allow strategic AWP buying encouraging teamwork(Sounds like the BS banter to restrict it more, right?

) But seriously, there is no confusing code, a step closer to further unrestricting it, it shouldn't flood the game with AWPers, and it shouldn't kill a server since people can only override it once. No glamor, no hi-jinx, no niffy system that simultaneously rewards and punishes players for not playing a certain way. No only allowing a player to have every second Tuesday, or 10x during a leap year. Just follow the KISS rule, it usually works. Keep it simple stupid.
Devious, post: 69937, member: 1191 Wrote:I'm inclined to agree with Bison on the 3 second limitation on buying the awp after first purchase. It is A LOT better than the previous options put forth and, being an awp whore, I believe it would still work out most of the time for me 
I disagree on this too. It should be a 1 sec delay. Enough time to allow a person hit "b" "F". 3 Second delay prevents an AWP rush to stop a rush or guard a flank. I.E. 3 Secs prevent me from running to long A and getting a 2 for 1 kill because I don't have time to avoid the 42 flashes thrown over head. It would allow the slow players to re re buy the AWP and allow the fast players to still be able to buy m4/AK/p90 kit without sacrificing position. The other solution is do, a stopped in SPWN clock of 5 secs, with limiting previous AWPer time in that window. I know lots of people would hate this, but it would allow new and old players to be prepared and cover fast rushes.
Mr.Tea, post: 69952, member: 1006 Wrote:If the problem is only a few can buy an AWP...Again make it so everyone may override 1 AWP per team restriction once.
Mr.Tea, post: 69952, member: 1006 Wrote:Regardless, 1x override of AWP restriction does this.
The primary effect of which (excessive awping on the first round) was one of the negative points of the D2 limitation. The system basically lead to an overall increase in awpers. If the two systems were combined it would result in far too many awpers. The limitation did succeed in its primary goal of allowing a greater amount of varied players to awp, though.
Mr.Tea, post: 69952, member: 1006 Wrote:Every casual AWPer could AWP that one time because they get so frustrated that they can't (which is a load of shit BTW). I've mentioned this 6 or more times now, but certain trolling and other comments it keeps getting ignored and overlooked.
That means there's isn't anything wrong with the proposed solution. If no one buys it, you'll still have an awp every round with only negligible delay.
Mr.Tea, post: 69952, member: 1006 Wrote:The complaint is that players use magical binds to buy weapons quicker.
Yeah, it is much quicker. A player can bind "buy awp" and spam it. There's no way someone can beat them using the menu.
Mr.Tea, post: 69952, member: 1006 Wrote:You could always have messages SPAM in global chat giving people tips/lessons.
That's beyond the point. I don't believe fighting over the weapon is the desired goal. I want everyone to have at least one good chance to get it.
Mr.Tea, post: 69952, member: 1006 Wrote:Educate players and those who want to AWP fight will have a fair fight. It takes less than 6 secs to write a bind. If people are too lazy to bind I really don't see why we need to incorporate a confusing code of reward/punishment to help the lazy player.
You stated not having issues purchasing the awp. If that's the case, you won't notice any interruption in your ability to awp. You'll have the awp long before you manage to get out of the buyzone.
Mr.Tea, post: 69952, member: 1006 Wrote:It should be a 1 sec delay. Enough time to allow a person hit "b" "F". 3 Second delay prevents an AWP rush to stop a rush or guard a flank. I.E. 3 Secs prevent me from running to long A and getting a 2 for 1 kill because I don't have time to avoid the 42 flashes thrown over head. It would allow the slow players to re re buy the AWP and allow the fast players to still be able to buy m4/AK/p90 kit without sacrificing position. The other solution is do, a stopped in SPWN clock of 5 secs, with limiting previous AWPer time in that window. I know lots of people would hate this, but it would allow new and old players to be prepared and cover fast rushes.
The freezetime is approximately 3 seconds. A user will be able to purchase it prior to running out of the buyzone. If you have an awp bind, you'll be able to easily purchase it while running. An awper using binds (such as you and I) won't notice any delay in getting to key choke points. The other users who've already bought and don't use binds will have to learn or may experience slight delays. This does still preserve their ability to get an awp at least once without bind knowledge, though. :p
The notifications will keep users informed as to whether awps are still available.
So, No for educating newer plays; yes for making it NOOB friendly. Got it.
It takes less than 3 secs to leave spawn and it takes less than 3 secs for an non-Awping Rushing to have an advantage at long A.
M. Bison, post: 69960, member: 359 Wrote:The primary effect of which (excessive awping on the first round) was one of the negative points of the D2 limitation. The system basically lead to an overall increase in awpers. If the two systems were combined it would result in far too many awpers. The limitation did succeed in its primary goal of allowing a greater amount of varied players to awp, though.
So, modify the old way. "Leave the 1 AWP restriction and use your voucher/coupon system to reward players with AWP overriding. Continue to punish players if they fail to objectives and your other list of logarithms of reward/punishment.
Just did a demo test; 9 for 15ish for buying AWP w/o bind. Keep in mind it was my max buyout ($7950) and I was on the losing team. Still trying to see why people are QQ'in on it.
I like the idea of a voucher system but only if the awp is still restricted to maby two or three depending on the amount of players, also maby make it a voucher system intirely. The idea of working for an awp sounds fun. Just my two cents.
3 seconds is a tad too long, especially with advertisements. My worry is that you'll get some idiot who will see it and be like haha, I'm going to buy the awp to be a dick.
I agree with Tea, it's not that hard to not get the AWP without a custom bind (Hell, it's already pre-binded), but a good part of the game is memorizing your buy screens so you can become a more effective player. God knows that it takes 50% of a team entirely way to long to buy their weapons and move out of spawn as it is already.
Quote:So, modify the old way. "Leave the 1 AWP restriction and use your voucher/coupon system to reward players with AWP overriding. Continue to punish players if they fail to objectives and your other list of logarithms of reward/punishment.
I like this. Perhaps increase the vouchers needed so it's harder to override.
Dr. Ruplayer, post: 69923, member: 9168 Wrote:In my opinion the whole system will prevent players from buying awp only 1/3 times. For those who are not familiar with vauchers, it will look like a bug, random event. Instead of looking for such a complecated system, why not just getting rid of any restrictions?
Agreed, just completely unrestrict all weapons. Stop making the servers noob friendly at the expense of how the game was intended to be played. I don't like the idea of the voucher implementation either, it forces people to conform to a thoughtless/rusher playstyle or face the consequence of less awp vouchers. On some occasions I am not near the bomber or their bombsite because I am using a different tactic: Possibly trying to cover flanks, possibly trying to create distractions, etc.
>RiG-Th!S<, post: 70035, member: 14892' Wrote:I like the idea of a voucher system but only if the awp is still restricted to maby two or three depending on the amount of players, also maby make it a voucher system intirely. The idea of working for an awp sounds fun. Just my two cents.
Why can't you just let people play with the weapons that they want to use? You're part of the problem.
joker8baller, post: 70051, member: 835 Wrote:3 seconds is a tad too long, especially with advertisements. My worry is that you'll get some idiot who will see it and be like haha, I'm going to buy the awp to be a dick.
I agree with Tea, it's not that hard to not get the AWP without a custom bind (Hell, it's already pre-binded), but a good part of the game is memorizing your buy screens so you can become a more effective player. God knows that it takes 50% of a team entirely way to long to buy their weapons and move out of spawn as it is already..
You're still both missing the point. It doesn't matter if you haven't individually experienced difficulty buying the awp on these occasions. The fact of the matter is that virtually only one person can have it per team; and granted that there are at least 3 or 4 people, on average, who want to use the awp on a team of 10 (probably an understatement) those other players are being consistently short-changed. I'm usually one of those players (despite being a fast buyer).
So if you want to let people use it when they want to use it, unrestrict all the weapons.Don't impose limitations on them whatsoever.
This is going to bring a severe decrease of users on our servers IMO.
Popular maps 1 - all weapons
Popular maps 2 - no awps/autos
Ban all those who use the bind. :p
M. Bison, post: 69960, member: 359 Wrote:The primary effect of which (excessive awping on the first round) was one of the negative points of the D2 limitation. The system basically lead to an overall increase in awpers. If the two systems were
Yeah, it is much quicker. A player can bind "buy awp" and spam it. There's no way someone can beat them using the menu.
If a player intends to get good at this game, I doubt he'd be using the menu to buy his items. I don't find anything wrong with educating them how to bind "buy awp". I use bind to buy all my other necessary equipment, grenades as well.
I believe that the old AWP restrictions integrated with the number of players was doing well so far.
For some reason, sometimes I get re-imbursed with money after holding the awp for a few rounds. (I don't know why or how this plugin works)
I still suggest reducing the AWPer's purchasing power significantly after he dies with it. This prevents him from buying it again after awhile, allowing others to buy it.
PS: I have never encountered not being able to use the awp ever with the old 1 awp per 16,2 awps per 32 etc plugin. Can't buy it now? save for the next round.
Dr. Ruplayer, post: 70119, member: 9168 Wrote:Popular maps 1 - all weapons
Popular maps 2 - no awps/autos
This is actually a very good idea. Have one pop maps server with unrestricted weapons and let the consequent popularity of the server speak for the idea's merit.