Dr. Ruplayer, post: 69923, member: 9168 Wrote:In my opinion the whole system will prevent players from buying awp only 1/3 times. For those who are not familiar with vauchers, it will look like a bug, random event.
There will be a notice upon death displaying the change in vouchers and giving a flag for debugging purposes. People will know when they can buy an awp. Additionally, I can setup a page for people to input the flag in order to determine which circumstances resulted in the particular voucher change.
Dr. Ruplayer, post: 69923, member: 9168 Wrote:Instead of looking for such a complicated system, why not just getting rid of any restrictions?
Negative effects on server population. This was inadvertently tested a few times in the past. Additionally, I've already gotten numerous complaints about the amount of awpers directly following halftime on the current d2 system. Although nice (I like to awp too, you know
), unlimited awps won't work. At least not on our servers. We need a system which still limits awps quite a bit, but still gives other players an opportunity to use it when they need it. I'm willing to try any idea which can potentially fulfill the conditions which were outlined.
Anyway, I think the voucher system is interesting in that:
1). Distributed usage of awps. (resolves the flaws in the halftime limitation)
2). Allows players to save awps for another date. (a plus)
3). Allows players to use awps when they want them. (resolves the flaw of the prior limitation)
My idea is to write out the system and have it log for a few days. I'll then write a program for processing the file dump and correlating it with gameme data to spot factors which need re-adjustment. I'll reassess the weight of everything, log some more, and repeat until I think I find a balance.
I'm going to have to think about the voucher system for a while in order to think out all the variables and factors. So I'm willing to give simpler restrictions which may work a try as I continue to think about the voucher system. What do you have in mind Mr. Tea? Do you want to try the old system but changed so that users can't purchase on the round after death/purchase or instead get reset money? Or what exactly? The old system is kind of silly because users who bind "buy awp" have a considerate advantage over users who try using the menu. I suppose not allowing them to purchase right after sort of remedies that by giving other players a chance. The old system seems like one which has been heavily abused by a select few. At this point, it basically limits only those who are unfamiliar with binds. :confused:
I've thought of something which reconciles the advantages of the old awp limitation and the newer d2 limitation. My idea is to use the old system except with a slight modification. The user will be able to purchase the awp right away on their first purchase per half. All subsequent purchases shall be denied for the first 3 seconds of the round. There will be notifications dispatched on round_start to inform users of awp availability. Additionally, when an awp is purchased by a teammate, there will be another notification dispatched to inform that an awp is no longer available for purchase. The purchase tracker shall be reset on halftime similar to how it's done in D2. If awpers are okay with this system, I'll implement it and consider the issue resolved.
Quote:2:39 PM - Riser: lol
2:39 PM - Riser: kinda hard to prcoess
2:39 PM - Riser: really tired
2:39 PM - Riser: youre saying that
2:39 PM - Riser: players will be allowed to buy awps as usual, meaning everyone?
2:39 PM - Riser: on round start**
2:40 PM - Brawl Bashin’ Bison: the usual limitation
2:40 PM - Brawl Bashin’ Bison: one awp
2:40 PM - Riser: per team or per person
2:40 PM - Brawl Bashin’ Bison: per team
2:40 PM - Brawl Bashin’ Bison: however, if you bought the awp once this half
2:40 PM - Brawl Bashin’ Bison: you won't be able to purchase it right away
2:40 PM - Brawl Bashin’ Bison: via bind or menu
2:40 PM - Brawl Bashin’ Bison: for 3 seconds
2:40 PM - Brawl Bashin’ Bison: so someone else can snatch it
2:40 PM - Riser: oh
2:40 PM - Riser: thats cool
2:40 PM - Riser: meaning, that ONLY by binds right?
2:40 PM - Riser: or both ways
2:41 PM - Brawl Bashin’ Bison: both ways
2:41 PM - Riser: binds and buy menu
2:41 PM - Brawl Bashin’ Bison: first 3 seconds of round
2:41 PM - Riser: hmm
2:41 PM - Riser: i guess its alright
2:41 PM - Brawl Bashin’ Bison: that way slower ppl have a chance to get it
2:41 PM - Brawl Bashin’ Bison: and the notifications will give ppl hope to buy it
2:41 PM - Brawl Bashin’ Bison: 
2:41 PM - Riser: yeah its a good idea
2:41 PM - Brawl Bashin’ Bison: the ppl who've already had it can compete with others who did as well.
Note: The duration of freezetime is 3 seconds. This shouldn't interfere with a users ability to exit spawn.