Player Reports
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- Aimbot # 19450 "Rozkurwiator" STEAM_0:0:268448295 02:26 260 0 active (1 Reply)
- "The Punishment Due" STEAM_0:0:899481456 " (2 Replies)
- the big spoon (2 Replies)
- "zcp4" STEAM_0:1:40139263 Wall-hack (2 Replies)
- eX | Iceman" STEAM_0:0:5815389 (3 Replies)
- "Trolling is a art" STEAM_0:1:8300020 (5 Replies)
- "Duurururur" Steam_0:0:39823186 (1 Reply)
- "yhalothar1" STEAM_0:1:25331790 (1 Reply)
- Deletion of lvls and xp on css warcraft server (7 Replies)
- "Super KING" : STEAM_0:0:1157858009 (14 Replies)
- "aloha|Defend^Hawaii" STEAM_0:1:490095 (5 Replies)
- Haus aim/wall/spin STEAM_0:0:610653144 (4 Replies)
- Oubvious hacker (6 Replies)
- Vov4an" STEAM_0:0:1705732515 (2 Replies)
- Ban CHUPACABRA (4 Replies)
- "HEKPAMAHT" "STEAM_0:0:584868337" (1 Reply)
- Tearzisback #2 not 100%, but there is something fishy (2 Replies)
- Ban This guy (3 Replies)
- game freezes fa a few secs when i try to chat using the in game chat (12 Replies)
- "IamHacker<3" STEAM_0:0:16990615 (1 Reply)