George Of The Jungle, post: 66914, member: 3094 Wrote:Stop being self-centred silly. I've told you many times: "you're too self-centred". It's unbelievable how self-centred you are. Could you be any more self-centred? If you would be any more self-centred, you would be the most self-centred person there is, and you're already very self-centred. Your self-centredness may not be annoying to people who are self-centred, like you, but it is annoying to people who are not self-centred. I'd say you need to be less self-centred.
I don't like it when there's too many rockets, nor when they do too much damage.
You self-centered monstrosity of a french twat, parading around like some sort half-baked pseudo meringue topped with pumpernickels.
silly, post: 66915, member: 2152 Wrote:You self-centered monstrosity of a french twat, parading around like some sort half-baked pseudo meringue topped with pumpernickels.
Great, now I'm hungry. Good job dude, you're so self-centred!
George Of The Jungle, post: 66916, member: 3094 Wrote:Great, now I'm hungry. Good job dude, you're so self-centred!
Me too, brb (you self-centered spouter of pretentious self-centeredness)
Should I allow people to toggle whether the rocket is homing or crosshair controlled? :eek:
M. Bison, post: 66924, member: 359 Wrote:Should I allow people to toggle whether the rocket is homing or crosshair controlled? :eek:
Homing as in how they are now?
silly, post: 66928, member: 2152 Wrote:Homing as in how they are now?
Yes, they're currently configured for homing.
M. Bison, post: 66947, member: 359 Wrote:Yes, they're currently configured for homing.
Yeah I realized that they're already homing, I just wasn't sure about whether or not you'd increase the homing strength.
As for your idea, I think it's definitely something that would be good to try tbh.
silly, post: 66948, member: 2152 Wrote:I just wasn't sure about whether or not you'd increase the homing strength.
I think you're referring to the turning radius. Yeah, I'd improve it while homing is off. Basically, the rockets would try to fly in the direction of your crosshair.

M. Bison, post: 66949, member: 359 Wrote:I think you're referring to the turning radius. Yeah, I'd improve it while homing is off. Basically, the rockets would try to fly in the direction of your crosshair. :p
Oh, I was referring to the speed at which the rockets turn towards enemies. I assumed that you'd changed that due to the fact that they appear to be so much easier to dodge. But it seems that you just changed the required distance between the rockets and their targets? Yeah, I'm quite curious to see how your idea works out, seems interesting, and I like that it involves more skill

Can we input some kind of high choke/lag control in the dm, i hate playing against guys who lag across the damned map , or have ping from mars, 650+etc.